Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just The Beginning

Here it is! The blog you've all been waiting for...
I've been thinking of starting this blog for a couple years now, since I left my sweet family in Georgia and moved to Tempe, Arizona. Tempe, the land of dust and dirt, and lots and lots of brown. The Valley of the Sun. Home of Steve Nash and the beloved Phoenix Suns, and of my love, and now my husband, Ray.
I fell in love with Tempe, and then fell in love in Tempe, and now it is my home away from home. I became the person I was meant to be here, and I know this is where I belong, at least for now. But oh, how I miss my family.
I grew up in Augusta, Georgia, which is basically the exact opposite of Tempe, Arizona. It's green, and wet, and as Southern as it gets. I am the oldest of seven children, and the oldest of my Grandparents thirty-something grandchildren. My family is big, and sweet, and so so loving. (Have I mentioned yet that I miss them?) I have millions of cousins, aunts, uncles, and 6 amazing siblings. 4 cute brothers and 2 beautiful sisters, who I love more than anything. They are all so different and so special, and even more special to me.
And yet, here I am, 1,986 miles away from them, in Tempe, Arizona, where I've just begun my own little family.

Most of my sweet family, Thanksgiving 2011

Our wedding day.

Today, my sweet husband and I are well on our way to the best adventure of them all- Parenthood! I am 13 weeks pregnant today. Pregnant! Me! I've looked forward to this my whole life, and it's even more exciting than I ever thought it could be.

Ray and I were married September 30, 2011, at the Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Augusta, Georgia. It was the most beautiful weekend, filled with love, and joy, and so many wonderful friends. By October 1, I knew we were pregnant. But we didn't find out "officially" until a positive pregnancy test on October 17, just 18 days after our wedding.

Now we are focused on preparing for our new little one, and for our first Christmas together! I love being married, and I love our little baby so much. Being so far away from my family is very hard, but I feel so blessed and I wouldn't trade my life here in Tempe for the world!

Here I am at 2 months!
And 3 months!

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