Sunday, January 29, 2012

Baby Boy!

Baby's profile. Isn't he sweet??

On Friday, Ray and I got to see our sweet baby. He was beautiful, and healthy and perfect and... a boy! We're so happy. We have an appointment to see the doctor and go over the sonogram images on Wednesday, but from what we could tell, everything is just as it should be. I've thought of him as a boy from day one (literally- the day after our wedding..), so it wasn't much of a surprise when the tech told us. It was pretty obvious from the images on the screen as well. What was more surprising and more amazing was seeing his sweet little body, jumping and kicking and sucking just as I'd pictured him. It was so much fun to see him moving and feeling it at the same time. Thank goodness for ultrasounds! I'm even more in love with him now and I can't wait to get to know him more through the next few months of the pregnancy.

Friday evening we had a little gender-reveal party with a few of our friends. Our friend Rachel is the queen of themed parties, so she got me excited about the idea of doing a little gender-reveal. It was a lot of fun and I really loved sharing our happy news with our friends. Here's a few pics:

Pink & blue cupcakes. Our friends chose pink in they thought we were having a girl and blue for boy.
 All but one chose pink. :)

Rachel hanging the surprise lanterns.
Just pull the string and the paper stopper pops out to release the colored confetti!

 And here's a  little video Rachel took of the big moment:

And just to make you all jealous (and hungry!) I thought I'd show you what Ray and I made for dinner last night. DELICIOUS.

Just the cheesiest, creamiest Mac & Chz anyone's ever made. No big deal.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, its really beautiful, the way every one has decorated for the celebration of baby is amazing, i like it...

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