Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Little Changes, Big Boy!

Here I am at 25 weeks (6 months)! 

And the first 6 months! 

It feels like a lot has changed in the last week or so. Baby is 26 weeks along now, and boy am I feeling it! (Pun intended?) My belly is ever-changing, and I can't seem to get enough of it. I spend most of the day with at least one hand on my belly, feeling baby move and just letting him know I'm thinking of him I guess. This week we read that he should be almost 2 pounds and 14 inches long! I was only 19 inches when I was born, so it's no wonder I've been feeling cramped and uncomfortable this week- this boy is getting so big! It feels like he's moved up towards my ribs in the last few days. I can feel him stretching and moving much higher up in my belly now. Sitting at my desk all day at work is getting to be difficult, and I'm definitely feeling more uncomfortable at night when I'm trying to sleep. But I just ordered this pillow (thanks to rave reviews from my friend Allison!), so hopefully it helps! It seems this funny boy has also discovered my bladder and keeps using it as a trampoline, but I don't mind so much because every little kick and every squirm still makes me so happy. Especially his little hiccups! They are the sweetest hiccups that ever were.

Last week I read that baby is discovering his sense of touch, so if I push in on my belly, he'll kick me back right where I'm pushing. I tried it a few nights ago, and he did it! Wherever I push he'll give me a little kick, and sometimes I can feel him rubbing his hand across mine, just feeling my fingers. I've never had so much fun in all my life! It is the sweetest little game we play.

We've begun our foray into the cloth diaper world, and I. Am. So. Excited! Who would have thought a girl could be so excited about diapers...? I've had friends who've tried to use cloth diapers in the past, but without support from friends who are also using them, they quickly gave up. And I don't blame them! It's a bit overwhelming at first, but I'm so lucky to have a lot of friends here in Tempe who use (and love!) cloth diapers. My friend Jenna is an EXPERT on cloth diapering, so she's been a huge help to me so far. With her help, and the help of my sweet friend Kristin, I have already purchased all the diapers baby will need for at least the first 6 months, all for just $150! Oh, the savings! I know it will be a challenge, but I'm so excited to take this on. It's just so much better for baby, for us (saving $$$!) and it's an added bonus knowing we won't be adding to the incredible number of "disposable" diapers sitting in landfills across the world. Yay cloth diapers! (Side note- I want to give props to my sweet husband, who didn't even flinch when I told him I wanted to try cloth diapers! He is such a good sport, and is even a little bit excited about it. Love him so.)

My parents, my sister Shea, and her sweet college roommate came to visit us a couple weeks ago. It was SO NICE having them here! My parents spent part of their trip staying at the Arizona Biltmore since my dad had a seminar there that week, so we spent a couple glorious, 80 degree afternoons lounging at the Biltmore pool. SO NICE. We also did some shopping for the baby- my parents, being their wonderful generous selves, bought us his crib and changing table for the nursery. My mom even helped put the crib together! It was a really great week- we got so much done and it was just really nice to be with some of my family. I'm planning a trip home to Augusta next month, so now I'm counting down the days. I can't wait to take this baby home with me, introduce him to all the people who love him already, and to all my favorite foods! Nacho Mama's here we come!!

We're planning on painting the nursery this weekend, then I'll hang the curtains and put up shelves and start to get the room put together. Stay tuned for pictures!


  1. You look great Annie! I decided to do cloth diapers with Simon and love it! Wish I had started with Ian. They really are too cute, and once you start, it really becomes easy. Mark calls it Simon's "mega butt" look!

  2. You look great!! PS I am more than happy to help with any CD questions you might have, too! You are glowing.

  3. Thanks Morgan! I'm sure I'll have a million questions once we start actually using them. Leah I had no idea you were using cloth diapers! I'm in such good company!

  4. I get so excited when I hear about people deciding to use cloth diapers! And you are so right about having support. You can do it and don't let any fool tell you that you can't!
    And you are seriously cute preggers. Congrats :)
