Sunday, September 9, 2012

Please Help

Hello dear friends, I am back! I have lots to share with you about baby and about life with baby, but for today, I am coming to you with a very special and important request. I need your prayers!

My very good friend Joanna, who is a sister to me, is in the middle of a very desperate situation and needs a miracle. She and her husband Jordan have been trying to have a baby and/or adopt for some time now, and at the end of June (just about a week before Emmett was born), they received a call to come and meet their baby boy! I was so excited for the timing because she and I have always talked about having babies together! I prayed for her baby to come every day of my pregnancy, and it was just so amazing that her son came to her just when I was getting ready to meet mine!

It has been a long and complicated road since then, but suffice it to say that my sweet friend and her baby have been living with friends in the state where the baby was born, waiting for answers from the court. Her husband flies back and forth when he can, but they have not been able to take their son home yet.

And now things with the birth mother have become so messy that the courts are talking about taking the baby away from Joanna and putting him into foster care. So we need a miracle!

If you pray, please please please add my friend and her family to your daily prayer list, or just take a quick second now if you can. Some friends of the family will be leading a Novena (9-day prayer) beginning on Tuesday, so feel free to join in that as well.  Joanna's sister Rachel has posted all the info for the Novena on her blog,  so check that out if you are interested. But really, any prayers will be so greatly appreciated.

This family has been through so much, and I am so ready to see this story end happily.

Thanks SO much!!!

Thanks so much for your prayers!! Joanna and Jordan have baby Judah, and he is theirs forever! They were able to take him home for Thanksgiving!

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