Friday, November 23, 2012

Quick Post- Georgia!

It has been.. way too long.  I need to write more, so I thought I would write a quick post to gain momentum..

My boy is growing up so fast- he's rolling over all day long, talking non stop and we are having so much fun watching him learn! He's really pretty awesome.

I took Emmett home to Georgia last month to meet the family finally, so I wanted to share some photos from the trip! Enjoy!

The family was enthralled!

One of my favorite pictures ever. Sorry mom!

Emmett sayin hi to Uncle Luke!

And Uncle Ryan!

And checkin out Uncle D.

Reppin the Bulldawgs!

I came outside to find this happening. So cute.

Uncle Sean.

This is probably, okay definitely, my favorite picture ever. All my favorite things- Emmett, siblings, and bean dip...

Uncle Micah is the best. He let Emmett chew on his finger from across the table for like, 10 minutes.

And then again later. Uncles are THE BEST.

Emmett and his cute cousins! Atlas, Abel, and Aidan.

And here's one from Thanksgiving yesterday. :)

That's it for now, but I'm gonna try (!) to post again soon.

P.S. Check out my fall styleboards over at Pepper Design Blog!

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