Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holiday Gift Guide: Christmas gifts for everyone on your list

I LOVE giving Christmas gifts. I love everything about it- I spend weeks searching for the perfect gift for everyone on my list, and once I find them, I spend hours wrapping them. My dad is a gift-wrapping expert- he spends practically every extra minute over the weeks leading up to Christmas posted at our dining room table, with scissors in one hand and Scotch tape in the other. I learned from the best, and wrapping presents is definitely one of my favorite parts of Christmas!

I've been scouring the internet for great gift ideas (who has time to actually GO shopping??), and I've come across some pretty awesome gifts, so I wanted to share a few of my favorites here. Happy shopping!

Christmas 2012 Gift Guide
1. This would make a really great stocking stuffer for that friend (or spouse) who always seems to lose track of their car keys!

2. Another stocking stuffer, for pretty much everyone on your list. I can think of about 3,000 ways this might come in handy, and at only $9.99 for a 10-pack, you can afford to buy one for everyone!
3. For the world traveler on your list, these packing cubes are a must-give! Super useful, and come in a ton of colors.
Luggage Packing Cubes $17.49 for a 3-pack

4. One more stocking stuffer, perfect for every man on your list. This tiny tool includes a small flat screwdriver, medium flat screwdriver, cross screwdriver, pry bar, wire stripper, lanyard hole, and bottle opener. Not bad for only $6.99!
Keychain Multi Tool $6.99

5. For the coffee drinker in your life, this beautiful glass coffee maker will look good on your counter while it makes the perfect cup of joe. Comes in 3, 6, 8 and 10-cup sizes.
Glass Coffee Maker $34.95 - $42.95

6. For the lover of fine whiskey, who also loves tradition (with a twist!).
Whiskey Advent Calendar $241.34

7. These next two are perfect for the newly married couple on your list.
Mr. & Mrs. Cocktail Glasses $18 

8. Doesn't this look cozy? It makes me want to sleep under the stars (maybe with that Whiskey Advent Calendar in tow?)
Double Sleeping Bag $119.93 (on sale!)

9. For the amateur chef. Given only on the condition that there will be many delicious meals made for you in the future. ;)
Windowsill Herb Garden $37.95

10. For baby's first Christmas! Isn't this the sweetest?? I want one for Emmett so bad. Find coupons here!
Mini Book of Names & Faces $29.99


  1. that baby book is too dang cute!

    1. I know I love it! I'm thinking Emmett needs one with pictures of my family in Georgia. :)

  2. love the cocktail glasses so cute!

    I nominated you for a Liebster Award!

