Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sunday Morning Hike!

On Sunday morning we got up early with the baby, so we decided to get up and go out for an early Sunday brunch. During the week I usually grab a nutrition bar on my way out the door, so we love to eat really well on the weekends. Our weekend breakfasts tend to be our favorite meals of the week!

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Baby boy LOVES being outside, so we always sit on the patio when we go out!

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So happy eating some of mama's potatoes! See those little teeth?
After breakfast we decided to take a quick hike up A Mountain, since we were at a restaurant just across the street. I love this hike because it's short and intense, and the view of Tempe from the top is so awesome, especially at sunset! Sun Devil Stadium is built into the side of the mountain, so it's a famous ASU landmark! Here we are about halfway up (this mama needed a out of shape...) :

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Emmett seemed to love being on the mountain. There were airplanes flying overhead the whole time, so he was pretty much in heaven. We had such a good time, maybe we'll try to take family hikes more often! Next time I'll wear the proper shoes though...

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The "A" for which A Mountain is named!
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Can you tell by the double Wubbanubs that we were cutting into Emmett's morning nap?
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Pretty cactus, beside the trail.

PS, don't forget to enter my giveaway! Tomorrow is the last day. :)

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