Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5 Favorites..

I've been reading Camp Patton obsessively the last few weeks- this blog is HILARIOUS, and since Grace posts almost every day it provides me with endless entertainment. She writes so honestly about motherhood and all it's absurdity, and I'm super hooked.

So, tonight Grace is hosting "Five Favorites" (where bloggers post their five fave anythings at the moment), and I thought I would participate. Here goes!

1. My mama:

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This woman is so selfless. She FLEW IN this past weekend from Georgia to keep Emmett for us while we went to San Diego for a wedding. She took such good care of him, and kept him so happy the whole time we were gone. She had our washer and dryer fixed, took me shopping, made dinner, folded laundry, etc etc etc. It was so nice having her here, and I am so so grateful to her. She's amazing.

2. This view, from my friend's parents' house in San Diego. Gorgeous doesn't even begin to describe it. Can I just live there please?

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3. Another point for my mama- she knows I've been dying for these moccasins for Emmett, but can't afford them, so she ordered a pair for us!

4. Birth stories. I mean, is there anything better in the world than brand new babies? I love to read about how they came into the world, especially from the point of view of a new mama in love. Here are a couple of my recent favorites: 

5. This picture of my baby boy. This photo has me melted into a puddle on the floor. I just love it so much.

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