Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Better Day

Today was so much better y'all. (You know, in case you were wondering.)

Emmett was all smiles and hugs when we came home tonight, and he took a couple of long naps today, so we're hoping we might actually get some sleep tonight! His little tooth finally broke through the gum today, so I think the worst is over (crossing all my fingers!). He's so cute with teeth- I sort of can't even handle it.

We got the sweetest little package in the mail today from Freshly Picked, thanks to my mama:

These shoes are seriously the cutest things ever. Seeing his little feet in them makes my mama heart happy!

So, all in all, it was a good day, and things are looking up.

Stay tuned for a big giveaway coming soon! Hint. hint...!

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