Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Today was... not what I always imagined my first Mother's Day would be. Ray and I have had some sort of stomach bug all weekend, so things weren't picture perfect at all. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself this morning, but as the day went on I was able to let go and focus on what's really important today: my family.

I'm the luckiest girl in the world to be mama to my sweet baby Emmett. When he was born, my lifelong dream of becoming a mom came true. The past 10 + months have been hard, and wonderful, and so full of joy. 

Today I am filled with love and new-found appreciation for my mama. She is so strong, so selfless, and unwavering in her love and sacrifice for her children. As I thought about my mom today, I realized that I can't remember ever hearing her complain about her life as a mother. Not once. She is an incredible example to me. I hope I can be half the mother that she is.

I also don't know where I would be without my Mother-in-Law. Since my mama is so far away (though she would give anything to have us close by!), I've really relied on my MIL for support this year. She has been such a huge help with Emmett, a literal shoulder to cry on during countless lunch-breaks where I felt like my heart was breaking being away from my boy, and she's always there when I need help (which is often!). 

I am blessed to have so many beautiful mamas in my life to learn from and emulate, from Geema (mother to 10, Geema to... 30? and great-Geema to one, so far. Amazing!) and Nana, my aunts (mamas to those 30 grandchildren), and all my lovely mom friends. Happy Mother's Day to all of you!

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