Monday, July 1, 2013

Keepin' It Real {4}

Linking up with Corinna over at Track 8 for Keepin' It Real Mondays!

I've been sort of wracking my brain for some Keepin' It Real moments from the past week, but I'm striking out! I mean, of course we've had our moments, but today my head is so full of joy and pride and love for my baby boy! The crazy and hard and just plain weird things that happen on a daily basis are escaping me because I'm just so happy.

We had an amazing weekend, full of family and friends and celebrations. We are so lucky to be surrounded by people who love us and support us, and who make our life so full. Emmett is so very loved, and I am overjoyed.

It's been a tough year, maybe even my toughest so far. Things have not been picture perfect, and although my family and my little boy are all of my wildest dreams come true, this year with them has been difficult and overwhelming. Life isn't what I imagined it would be. But you know what? I'm okay with that. I'm so much more than okay with it. Today I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

Little Emmett took his first real steps today. He's been pushing furniture around the house for a while now, and taken one or two steps by accident here and there, but today, he really walked. 10 steps, all on his own, twice in a row. I cried and laughed and squealed so much he wasn't sure whether to be excited or afraid! He's such an amazing little boy.

In Keeping with the Keepin' It Real theme, here are a few choice outtakes from the weekend:


Baby's 1st brain freeze.


I'm also linking up with Mary Beth at Annapolis & Company for her Our Weekend link up!


  1. What a cutie! (And I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one to have dealt with littles putting their feet on tables.)

  2. Littles love feet on the tables. Haha. Cuties!

  3. Such a darling family! Lucky mama!

  4. Oh man I LOVE his face on the steps. Priceless! In the end no matter how hectic and chaotic life gets and refuses to follow the path we wish for it to follow, as long as we have our family we are blessed!

    Chelle @ Oh, just stop already
