Monday, July 15, 2013

Keepin' It Real {6}

On Saturday we all woke up from our naps (Emmett got up at 5:15 that morning after being up 3,000 times in the night so we were TIRED), piled into the car and met some friends for lunch. We ate at one of our favorite happy hour places, Z Tejas. Emmett was restless in his high chair while we waited for our food, so we let him get down and walk around a little bit. Yes, I said walk! He's walking now!

He kept going over to the table next to us to smile and wave at the nice man sitting at the end of the booth. It was really sweet and fun to watch him making friends! After we ate while we waited for our check I let Emmett down to walk some more. He walked straight over to the next table, smiled and waved, and then laid his little guacamole-covered hand right down on that nice man's white shorts...

Here he is outside on the bench, where I took him directly after washing him off in the bathroom:


  1. No. Just no. Ohmygosh I would have died. What a stinker. That's awesome that he's walking though! Go Emmett!

    1. It was pretty hilarious. The man was really sweet about it but I definitely know what it's like to get guac stains on white shorts... Happens to me all the time! Haha.
