Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Keepin' It Real: Workin' Too Much

Linking up with Corinna over at Track 8 for this week's installment of Keepin' It Real Mondays!

I saw my baby for a total of 45 minutes today. NOT. ENOUGH. 

Working is the worst sometimes. Today I was stuck at work for an extra hour and a half- the hour and a half that I normally spend with Emmett before he goes to bed. It was a hard, sad day for both of us. 

I love that little boy so much. I just have to remind myself that I do it all for him. I work so that I can provide for him. I'm reminding myself now but it's not really helping. He's growing up, changing, and learning new things every day, and I'm missing it. Some days that's a really hard pill to swallow. 

That's real life for me today y'all. I promise a more upbeat post later in the week!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing a great job and you're a WONDERFUL mama! I know exactly how you feel. I race home for my 2.5 hours each night with Evie. Which is why we lately only eat frozen TJ's meals for dinner, because I refuse to spend an hour in the kitchen when I could be on the floor playing with her! It's the worst sometimes :(
