Monday, August 26, 2013

Keepin' It Real: Bad Blogger

Linking up with Corinna over at Track 8!

I've been MIA on the blog the last few weeks y'all. I haven't felt like I've had much to say, so rather than whine or complain or just babble on about nothing, I've been sitting back and just.. not saying anything. I love this blog, and I love to write about our lives at the end of every day, but this month has been tough and I just haven't had it in me.

Work (I know, blah blah blah about her work again..) has been at the peak of the craziness the last two weeks and I think (knocking on wood) it's finally starting to quiet down. I've been so tired after each day at work that I clinb into my pajamas right when I get home and then climb into bed right after Emmett goes down. At like 7:30 most nights.

Part of that is sheer exhaustion but another part is I'm addicted to a book series! I'm sliiiiiiightly (but more than slightly) obsessed with Sherlock Holmes. The books- Amazing! The tv shows- all of them Amazing. The movies- SO AMAZING! Top two movies of all time status. Just before Robin Hood and then all the Twilights and don't even roll your eyes you know it's true.

I can't reread all of the Sherlock Holmes stories again because my husband won't let me, so I've been on the lookout for a similar series. Something British, centered around a detective, with lots of interesting who (or what!)-done-its. I've hit the jack pot ya'll, with the Inspector Rebus novels by Scottish Writer Ian Rankin. Oh man, am I hooked! I've been dying to jump into bed each night with my iPhone to read and read and read until I pass out. Some of the earlier novels aren't available on Kindle so I haven't read all of them, but so far, so so good.

I know this isn't an interesting post but this is my life right now. Work, my family, and Inspector Rebus. Ain't life grand?

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