Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Life Is Good!

Things are good right now y'all. 

Not perfect, never perfect, but good. Work is slowing down, and I see an end to the busy season in sight. Yesterday we got some rain and the temperature never hit 90. We had dinner outside for the first time all Summer. Such a treat! And Emmett, oh Emmett. He's at a really great age right now. 

The last couple of weeks he's really changed and grown up. All of a sudden there's a little boy walking around our house, talking and laughing and interacting with us. He's a little human with a little (big) personality, and we're loving it so much. He seems bigger and taller this week too! It's crazy how that happens every couple of months.

Some new things he's doing lately:

  • Reading. Devouring books, all day every day!
  • Animal sounds. Cows, dogs, cats, ducks, and more and more dogs. Our house sounds like a zoo!
  • Walking better and faster and steadier each day.
  • Talking! He says mama and daddy and up, and making so many noises, having conversations with himself and with us. He's able to tell us what he wants and needs now.
  • Reaching for me when I come in the door. He runs to me and reaches his little arms toward me. It's awesome!
  • Sleeping through the night! Okay, it only happened twice, and he's been waking up at 5 every day, but he's never slept straight through before so I'll take it!

Every night Ray and I go on and on about how much we love that little boy and how great he is. We're smitten and so proud of him. 

So anyway I'm feeling good and life is good and it's nice to feel this way. It's been a long tough Summer but things are peaceful and joyful and sweet and I'm content. 


  1. I love every picture of him! He is such a little man! I love Emmett and Bagel pics! I can't wait for Ted and Charlie to be buddies. So far, Charlie just lays next to his playmat...I think he's waiting to steal his toys! He's put a few of his toys in Ted's carseat...maybe looking for a trade ;-)

    1. Kellie,

      Bagel could have cared less about Emmett until recently, when Emmett became more mobile and playful. Now they have so much fun together! Emmett gives Bagel hugs (he doesn't even hug me!) and Bagel covers him with kisses when we come home from being out. Hilarious!

  2. Aw :) Your little guy is blessed to have wonderful parents that love him so much! He's adorable!

  3. That's awesome! I'm glad you're having a good week! Enjoy it!

  4. Hope you have a great week. New here, awesome layout! Love it.

  5. Your little boy is very sweet. You are right about the pace with which they grow. It took only a week for my little girl to get up from the crawling pose and start 'running'! Yup. I call her 'speedy' these days :)

    1. thank you! Isn't it wild how that happens? I thought we'd get a break between crawling and walking but no!

  6. My son has been sleeping through the night for 2 months now. You miss it when it's gone!

    1. Danialle, I know I'll miss it! I've never been able to sleep train him because I know I'll miss cuddling him in the night!

  7. Beautiful and honest post. It's always an amazing feeling to sit back at night with your spouse and talk about how much you love that little being you created together :)

    1. Thanks Kendra! We can't help it- no matter how tired we are or stressed out or how fussy Emmett was that day, each night before bed we find ourselves gushing about how awesome he is! ;)
