Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Quick Post: Firsts!

Little Emmett has had a few firsts this week! I'm so proud of him- he's such a little boy now and growing up all the time!

First first- He started preschool (daycare, at a local preschool) on Monday! He LOVES it loves it. We walk in the door and he runs around the room from toy to toy, excited about every one, and loves all of the other kids. It's so much fun. I've cried each day when I leave but so far he hasn't even noticed that we're gone. He just plays all morning. I pick him up at noon and he's just sitting in a tiny chair at a tiny little lunch table pointing at all of the other kids and finishing his lunch. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen! 

I haven't taken any great pics yet but I did manage one outside the school that includes him and his little lunchbox, which he's just kicked over in the dirt:

Second first- Tonight, Lucia gave Emmett his first hair cut! He has almost no hair on top, but he's got a thick ring going around the back. We call it a cul-de-sac. The hairs in the back have grown super long, which makes for really adorable bed-head and don't even get me started on how they look blowing in the wind. It's crazy cute. We really wanted Lucia to give him his first haircut, and since she leaves for Georgia on Friday, tonight we decided it was time. We gave him a sink bath, and Ray went outside to make faces in the window to distract Emmett and keep him still while Cia cut his little hairs. Oh my gosh it was cute!

All of these firsts are great- I'm so proud of him and everything he's doing is so cute and fun! But oh my gosh it's hard at the same time. I wish he'd just stay a tiny baby boy forever. Oh, the life of a mama is so full of ups and downs! Pride and joy and sadness and pain, all mixed together spells parenting. I wouldn't change it for the world. 


  1. Those are the cutest hairs I've ever seen! Happy to hear he likes daycare...I bet it gives you so much peace.

    1. Thanks Kellie! We think so too. :) I'm so glad he likes daycare! Such a blessing. It's really hard leaving him there because I know it's all strange and new to him, but so far he's done really well. Thank God!

  2. I love these pictures! Glad you got so many pictures of his first haircut! I don't think we'll be getting that first cut for a loooong time! Haha!

    1. Ha! I took a million photos. I can't believe we had to cut his hair- he has so little so I held off as long as I could!

  3. Great! I knew Emmett was going to like day care. So many toys to play with, new things going on. Glad to hear he is adjusting well!

  4. ahhh! our little dude's name is emmett also and your son is the first i have met outside of ours! isn't it such a great name?! ;)

    happy tuesday, friend!

    1. Thanks Nicole! We haven't met another Emmett yet either! We LOVE the name! Great minds think alike! ;)
