Monday, October 7, 2013

Keepin' It Real: Dirt

Linking up with Corinna at Track 8 for Keepin' It Real Mondays!

Basically lately, our life consists of these two things:

Moving rocks around.


Playing/laying/crawling/sitting in dirt. In this case, crawling out the doggie door to lay on the patio floor.

He's all boy, what can I say. He's happiest when he's dirty, moving rocks around, putting dirt in his dump truck, or climbing under tables and chairs, laying in the dirt in the process. Since the weather has cooled off and Emmett plays outside more, I sweep my floors at least 5 times more often than I did last month!

But oh my gosh it's fun to see him happy, playing outside for hours on end! Sure beats being stuck in the house, day after day. Yay Fall!

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