Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Things I Love

Sometimes after a rough day (Emmett spent the entire car ride to my OB appointment in Gilbert, 30 minutes away, screaming. Then repeated the performance on the way home again), it helps to focus on the things that are making me happy lately. Here are a few.

The way Emmett plays with my hair while I hold him
My husband
Ricotta cheese on everything (Tried this recipe recently. Loved it.)
Volcano Choir
Cooler weather
"Dawoooo"(Emmett's new favorite thing to say. It either means "Dad where are you?!" or "Love you!" depending on his mood.)
Nap time. So sweet and soft and peaceful.
Everything Zara makes for kids (Can we talk about these?? So glad they just opened a new store in Scottsdale)
Did I say cooler weather?
JCrew Baby (Must win lottery, stat! Also, I'm gonna need this in my stocking this Christmas... Ahem, Ray)

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