Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Friday!

Emmett is taking an unusually long nap, so I thought I'd stop in for a quick sec to wish you all a happy Friday! This is an unusually happy Friday for me, since we are packing up and getting ready to fly to Georgia tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with my family. Woohoo! I'm so excited. I can't wait to see my brothers and sisters and hug them so tight, to spend mornings with hot chocolate by the fire, and to eat as much turkey as my belly will allow.

Also, it's raining! Such a wonderful treat.

I hope you have an awesome weekend!


  1. gah you keep getting better and better.

  2. Enjoy your time with your family! Happy Thanksgiving!!

    -Anna May

    1. Thank you Anna May! You sweet thing you. Have an awesome Thanksgiving!!
