Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Emmett woke up sick as a sad sad puppy yesterday. He's been fighting a cold on and off but mostly on for the last 6 weeks or so (thanks daycare!), and just when we finally thought he was getting over it all, his cough got worse and his little nose started pouring snot like you wouldn't believe.

He was his normal happy, sweet self though. I don't know how he does it. When I have a cold I'm in a terrible mood and everything is the worst. He manages to smile and play and push right through it somehow, so I'm trying to learn from him!

My brother Luke gave Emmett a Batman costume when we visited Georgia in September, so we dressed him as baby Batman this morning. Gah his little butt in that costume is just too much!

When we got home from work this evening Ray and I dressed Emmett in his second costume of the day. My mom bought him the world's cutest cow costume, since he loves cows more than anything and says mooooooo first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening. We decided he'd dress as Ferdinand the Bull because this kid loves to smell flowers. He hated the costume, but ohmygoodness he looks so cute in it!

Sad Cow.
Mad Cow!

Sweet Ferdinand!

I hope y'all had a wonderful Halloween, and have an awesome weekend!

P.S. Our Techne Arts giveaway has ended! We announced the winner here.


  1. That is my son's favorite book: Ferdinand! The cow costume is too cute. Happy Halloween!

    1. We love it too! I remember the little cartoon from when I was a kid. :)

  2. Awwww- what adorable costumes and a good sport you have. My daughter would've probably pitched a fit, if I dressed her up not one but two costumes. She's going through a little stage right now haha!

    1. I know! Poor guy, it was torture for him but we only kept the cow on for a few minutes. Better next year! ;)

  3. Oh my gosh he looked so cute! Good for him for being such a champ even though he didn't feel good!

    1. Such a champ! I don't know how he does it. My husband was sick over the weekend and he definitely wasn't as easy going as Emmett... ;)

  4. Oh my goodness that sad cow is way too cute!

  5. h my the little cow is so cute!

  6. The cow just kills me! Crying pictures are just so cute, in the saddest way!

    1. I know! I felt a teeeeeeny bit bad about it as I was taking the photos, but obviously not bad enough to stop. :) I just knew I was getting gold so I made him wear it for a few minutes. Ha! Mom of the year!
