Monday, November 11, 2013

Our Weekend: A Little Getaway

On Saturday, we drove up North to Cottonwood, Arizona with Ray's family to spend the weekend with his Aunt and Uncle. It's a short drive, but I was so nervous about taking the trip with Emmett. He does really well when we fly, but in the car he's miserable. He surprised us with a great mood and the drive flew by.

It was a nice little weekend. Cottonwood is a great little mountain town, just down the road from Sedona with gorgeous views of the Red Rocks. We spent Saturday just enjoying the views and the cooler weather, playing cornhole in the backyard and watching Emmett play in the grass. It was a great day!

Emmett never sleeps well when we share a room. He knows I'm a few feet away so he wakes up calling for mama all through the night, so each morning Ray got up early with him and let me sleep in. Good man! Sunday we took a walk through the little downtown and visited a few antique shops. I always love antique stores in little mountain towns. There are so many little gems just waiting to be discovered. So much unique history.

Northern Arizona feels like the Wild Wild West to me. Much of the land is undeveloped and it's so much greener than the Phoenix Valley. We stopped on the way home at a beautiful view point called Sunset Point- the last time we were there was the day that Ray proposed. It was fun to go back with Emmett. We had a great time just being away from home and letting go of all our worries for a couple of days.

Wearing cold weather clothes for the first time this year!

Little boy was so upset he couldn't get this tractor to move.

He loved having a yard full of grass to play with!

Pretty view at Sunset Point.

Linking up with Annapolis & Company!


  1. I love that there are so many pictures of him doing what he does best...pushin and pullin stuff.

    1. Ha! I'm trying to branch out and take pictures of him doing anything BUT pushing trucks around... It's not easy. ;)
