Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Photos From Our Day

I'm feeling a rut coming on, so this afternoon I decided to stave it off by just enjoying my life. I took a nap. I ate a HUGE bowl of potato soup. Emmett and I made popcorn on the stove. We took a long walk, him in the lead, and explored the neighborhood for most of the afternoon. Little boy loves to roam the sidewalks, stopping to smell flowers, look into neighbors yards, and touch touch touch everything in his reach.

Thank God for days like today, for beautiful weather, and for my sweet baby boy who brings me so much joy.


  1. He looks like such a big boy in that smiling pic in the flannel. I can't get over it. And I don't think he could possibly gets any cuter than that bath pic. Such a silly boy, that Emmett :)

    1. So silly! I know, today I looked at him a couple of times and thought, 'where has my baby gone??' He's growing up!

  2. What a darling last picture. I'm jealous you're wearing shorts. There's nothing better than great weather and a slow afternoon.

    1. We're having great weather here, finally! It was a long, hot Summer so anything under 85 feels like cold to us. Love it!

  3. How PERFECT! I totally need to do this when I feel a rut coming on. I rarely just put things to the side to just DO whatever I want to do! This would totally make life happier! And I'm going to take your (unintentional) advice and just ENJOY today :)
    Love the pictures! Your little boy is so, so, SO cute!!

  4. What a wonderful way to spend a day! I'm so bad at going and going and going full steam ahead and then crashing into this huge rut that takes me forever to get out of; I have been trying super hard lately to be much more gentle with myself and when I start to feel tired...to just relax :) I need more days like yours, though, that's for sure!!
