Monday, December 16, 2013

Our Weekend

We had a nice, quiet weekend at home. I was sick all weekend, so I was able to waste the hours in bed with a good book and a box of tissues. Emmett is a bundle of energy these days, so we have been looking for excuses to get out of the house for a few hours each morning. On Friday, we met our friends at the Tempe Museum and let the kids run around for a couple of hours. It was so much fun! Emmett and I have never been to the museum, so it was quite a treat, and we always love to meet up with friends!

Saturday and Sunday we finished up our Christmas shopping (yay!), and were even able to get everything on a very limited budget! Yesterday I spent the afternoon baking. My husband requested this pumpkin bread again, and I was happy to oblige! I am helping to host a cookie exchange party on Wednesday, so I also made the dough for some special cookies that I can't wait to share!

All in all, it was a good weekend. Emmett has been talking so much lately, so Ray and I just follow him around giggling at all the silly things he says. He's so fun! I hope you had an awesome weekend too!

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