Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thanksgiving in Georgia

Thanksgiving week in Georgia (3 weeks later!), in photos from my iPhone:

This was such a fun and special week! We loved being with our Georgia family so so much, and miss them like crazy! We're planning lots of Facetime and Skype dates over the next few weeks and especially over Christmas. Hopefully that will make us feel like we're not so far away!


  1. I officially need a phone with a cool camera. AND that grey car is stinkin' awesome. Glad you had so much fun with family. Those smiles look pretty contagious.

    1. I have so much fun with my iPhone camera! Endless fun. I know- I've been trying to figure out where that car came from. We want one!

      Thanks Jessie! I miss those sweet faces! :)

  2. sheesh, you keep getting better and better.

    divine, girl.
