Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Featured on Freshly Picked!

Freshly Picked is featuring my dad's version of Emmett's birth story on their blog today! So exciting. See the original post on my dad's blog here, and my version here!


  1. That was BEAUTIFUL, Anna. Your dad has a talent for writing. And I love how he calls you AK. So sweet. There is nothing on earth quite like bringing in new life. I really think it's a more heavenly experience.

    1. Thanks Jessie! I'll tell my dad you said that. I love reading this over and over again. It was really great having him there- he added a good dose of humor to the day! :)

      And you're right- I also think bringing life into the world is a heavenly experience! It's definitely the most beautiful thing I've ever done.

  2. I love, LOVE that third person account so much! Your dad did a beautiful job.

    1. Me too! I love it. Thanks Morgan, I'll let my dad know you said that! :)
