Monday, February 3, 2014


Excited about: My first day as a work-from-home mom! So far, so good/scary/exciting/weird. I'm hoping to get a ton of work done while Emmett's at school the next couple of mornings so I can spend our afternoons just loving on him. This is all we ever wanted! So happy.

Watching: Beyonce at the halftime show last year. All the fierce. And this commercial. *Tears*

Thankful for: Friends. I have some really good ones. Lifelong friends who lift my heart when they visit, and new ones who challenge me and teach me and call me on to better things. We are blessed with wonderful friends. The kind who make you feel like a better version of yourself. The kind who love your baby and share their homes and their hearts with you. The kind who fill you up after a long week and leave you strong and ready to take on the world.

Last week a friend was having a hard time, and I wanted to bless her. I decided to pick up some flowers and goodies from Trader Joe's and bring them to her. I always hesitate to do things like that. I want to, but I worry that I'm smothering my friends and you know, it's can be a little bit... uncomfortable to love people. To just do something nice for someone, just because they're having a bad day. Do you ever feel that way? This time, I decided to let go of my fear and step out of my comfort zone, and I'm so, so glad I did.

My friend was so grateful, and it felt great to make her happy. I love my friends and the people in my life so much, so why wouldn't I do whatever I can to show them? I made the decision that day to just be love to my friend. Oh, how I hope I can do that more often.

Thinking about: Community, as always. Each time we get together with friends and their children, I'm overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for the life we live. For the way I was brought up, in community. For the way my baby boy will grow up, surrounded by friends and family. For like-minded people to share our life with. What more do you need?

Little boy is all about piles of toys and books these days.

Our Weekend: On Friday, Emmett and I were feeling suuuuper stir crazy, so Ray found us a cheap ticket to the Aquarium and off we went. It was so fun! The aquarium has been on my list of things to do with Emmett for a long time, so I was really happy to scratch that off our list and do something spontaneous and fun together. Emmett was timid at first, until he saw a little girl his age get excited about the fish. After that, he was really into it. He ooohed at the jelly fish and ahhhed at the sea horses right along with me, and especially loved the whales (any fish bigger than him is a whale. There are no real whales there.) (Also, sorry Shea!)

It was a really fun morning. I can't wait for more mornings like that - Emmett and I, off on adventures together. This is what I've been waiting for!

Saturday was a rough morning. Emmett slept until almost 8, so we were rested and I should have been content, but I was feeling restless and frustrated and let it show. Ray knew that I needed to get out of the house, so he took me to Chic-Fil-A (best breakfast) and then shopping for a birthday gift. We hit up the sales at Gap, and I'm a little bit embarrassed to admit that a little retail therapy left me feeling so much better. I like pretty things, especially at good prices, so it was the perfect thing to knock me out of my funk. The rest of the day was peaceful and nice. I got the urge to cook and bake, so I made us a yummy potato and leek soup and some corn bread, with Salt River bars for dessert. More on that later.

Sunday morning, I woke up with Emmett at 5:30. Ray got up at 6:30 and took over so that I could go back to bed for a bit. Isn't he amazing? We went to Mass and then spent the day just hanging out at home together before going to Jenna's house for Superbowl. I don't care about the game so much as the commercials and the food, so I hardly saw any actual football. It was so great catching up with friends and watching Emmett play and mimic the older kiddos. He is happiest outside in the grass, just running and playing with friends.

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Linking up with Jenny & of course, the lovely ladies at A Mama Collective!

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  1. Congratulations first time full time stay at home mama! The aquarium looks like a blast.

  2. Enjoy being a SAHM/WAHM!!! It's wonderful! :-D

  3. How great is it that you stepped out of your comfort area to bless your friend. I always feel the same way. Thank you for the reminder of how good it is to give even when its awkward.

    1. Thanks Diana! I am so glad I did it. It always blesses me so much to do something nice for someone else. Especially when my life is feeling out of control- just putting my mind on someone else and giving something of myself makes me feel so much better.

  4. Talking about your friendship really makes me miss living near my friends. I have moved so many times in my adult life, and we move frequently for my husband's company, that it makes it difficult to build new friendships. If only I lived near my best friend...

    1. Oh Lauren, I'm praying that God will send you some really wonderful, supportive friends! I know what it's like to life far away from people you love. It's so hard!

  5. so i linked up even though my currently post only touches upon what i'm thinking about and what i'm reading. hope that's allowed ;)

    i love that you do things like that for your friends. i try to be a friend like that, too, even if it feels uncomfortable. i know when friends have reached out to me in that way it has made me feel so loved and special.

    and i love the photos from the aquarium!! what a fun little adventure.

    1. Of course that's allowed! Love it. :) Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes the things that make us uncomfortable are the very best things we can do.

  6. How fantastic that you can work from home. I'd LOVE TO!
    Never be afraid to show your heart. Not everyone will appreciate it and that is ok. But good people, friends who love and know you, they will. And God does... and you know what, I loved reading about it.
    Loving that you all enjoyed the Aquarium.

    1. It is fantastic! I love it so far. And thank you for saying that Em, it is nice to get some encouragement- I need to go out of my comfort zone more often!!

  7. Loved this. per the ush. I can't wait until our kids get even more familiar with each other. It's seriously the best ever to have friends with kids the same ages. We're so blessed.

    1. Thanks Jenna! You're right- we are blessed! We really do have something incredibly special here. Thank God!

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