Monday, February 17, 2014

Currently. Seven

Watching: Friday night, after Emmett went to bed, Ray and I sat down to watch a movie together. We don't do that often anymore - Ray loves to watch movies, but since having Emmett, I struggle with movies. I fidget, and need to be busy all the time, so I end up playing on my phone or blogging or something and miss all the important parts. Also, movies affect me. I love movies, really I do, but I have to be incredibly careful what I let myself watch because the things I see affect my mood and my heart and mind for days afterwards. Sad scenes hurt me and I can't let them go. It's a problem.

But it was Valentine's Day, and my husband wanted to watch a movie. We searched through Netflix looking for something we'd both love that wasn't sad at all, and finally came across Warm Bodies. We both said that's it! at the same time. I know, it's a zombie movie. But y'all, its really really sweet. And not gross or violent like you'd expect. There's a little bit of violence and a little bit of brain eating, but it's really not horrible. I promise!

Reading: Rebus. I know, I need to expand my horizons. It can't be helped.

Befuddled by: This weather. High 80's all week and I'm dying. It's not right to be sweating in February. I know most of the country is dealing with insane winter storms and begging for Spring, but all I want is a normal, cold winter day. When the weather is warm this early in the year, all I can think is SUMMER IS COMING and I know I'm never gonna make it. It'll be August before we know it and I'll be melting and losing my mind.

My hometown was it with a crazy ice storm last week that caused trees to fall all over the place, taking power lines down with them. Everyone I know there was without power for at least a full day, many for two or three days. They were eating off the grill and bringing hot bricks inside to stay warm. Meanwhile in Arizona... Then to top if all off they had an earthquake late Friday night to throw them into further hysterics. Such a weird week in Georgia!

Thankful for: My family, of course. I love that husband of mine and that little angel baby so much it hurts a lot of the time. I am a lucky, lucky girl. It's easy to fall into wanting- wanting a car that works and a home of our own and another baby (any day now, God!). But all I need to do is look into Ray's bright blue eyes or listen to Emmett chatting away to his toys to remember that I'm content with what I have. It's enough, it's wonderful, and my life is so full.

Our Weekend: It was another good one. Friday I started making sugar cookies and finally finished them Saturday afternoon. I always forget that sugar cookies are such a labor of love. They take forever! I made the dough on Friday and chilled it overnight. Then I baked them Saturday morning and spent the afternoon decorating them in between writing for work. I had a big deadline, so I made myself write between batches.

They came out almost as pretty as the pictures from the recipe, so all that work was worth it in the end. We brought them to a Lord's Day dinner at a friend's house Saturday night, and brought the rest to neighbors Sunday afternoon. I love doing that. Baking something sweet to surprise neighbors with. It always ends up being such a blessing to me and to them. One friend told me she was having a hard time at work and her baby hadn't been sleeping and she needed something sweet so badly that day! It's funny how God does that - uses us to bless our friends. Another neighbor gave me a cookbook that I'd been admiring on her coffee table. I'm so excited to try some of the recipes!

There were definitely moments when I wanted to give up on the cookies, when Emmett was clutching my legs crying and I couldn't pick him up because my hands were caked with icing, when I needed a shower and we were running late for dinner and I just had a few more to finish! I was having doubts about dropping by at neighbors houses unannounced. But I'm so glad I pushed through. It was fun and I hope to do a lot more of that with Emmett in tow.

^^^Valentine's day morning date at Chic-fil-a with my littlest Valentine, and yes, that biscuit is heart shaped. Just one of the million reasons I love breakfast at Chic-fil-a. My sister sent me that little love bobby. Isn't it sweet? For dinner Ray and I made one of my favorite appetizers- crustinis with mozz, tomato, basil, olive oil, balsamic and a splash of lemon. Yummmm.

^^Helping mama make icing, and that's me enjoying leftovers in bed with my new cookbook while Emmett napped yesterday. Best way to spend a nap time ever!

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Linking up with Jenny & of course, the lovely ladies at A Mama Collective!

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  1. You seriously cannot post ENOUGH photos of Emmett and all of the yummy stuff you make! It all makes me so happy... and inspired :)

    1. You're my favorite. For saying that and just because you're my favorite. Apparently baking is becoming one of my love languages. Can't. Stop.

  2. I love the sugar cookies photo!!! They look divine... and they were mighty scrumptious too :)

    1. Thank you Dahling! I don't even like sugar cookies so I can't say if they were good or not, but they sure looked pretty! :)

  3. Love this post.
    What cookbook is that? I tend to buy cookbooks and not use them much. It's the hoarder in me. lol
    I made sugar cookies to, but yours are way cuter and I made mine for a homeschool party.
    Anywhoooo Love your pictures. That little hair bobby is nice and that little helper of yours is flipping adorable.

    It's warm here too.
    Sigh - I can't complain to loud, some of my Northern friends might hear me. But I'm like you -- It is hot enough in Texas for the Summer. Please God let it be cool in the Winter.



    1. Thank you Em! The cookbook is called something like Simple Food from the kitchens of Martha Stewart Living. I love it because it is broken down into seasonal recipes, and they are all really simple and easy, even for me! So far I've loved what I've made from it.
      And yes, I'd love a little bit of real winter weather!!!
