Monday, February 10, 2014

Currently. Six

Excited about: Co-hosting the Love in Motherhood Link-Up tomorrow with the lovely ladies at A Mama Collective and Jen at Defining My Happy! I can't wait to read all the beautiful stories of motherhood. If you have a story to share, please join us!

Thankful for: Time spent with dear friends. Friday night, after Emmett went to bed, I met up with a friend I've been dying to see to paint plates at As You Wish. I'm a big fan of simple activities you can do while chatting with girlfriends. It makes conversation flow, and makes it easier to talk about the hard things. 

Reading: I'm embarrassed to say I'm re-reading the Inspector Rebus novels from the beginning. I just can't let go of a good series! If you know of another series - something to hold my attention for a long time - let me know!

Watching: The Olympics! I can't turn it off. I love the figure skating, ski jumping, and any and all snow board sports. I can't wait for the curling to start, and I've been laughing for days at the announcer for the cross-country skiing events. He's so excited, you can't help but freak out a little when the first skiers enter the final stretch!

Our Weekend: Was a good one. We napped, took walks, went to the park, saw friends, and made some big decisions. Little Emmett started singing, breaking hearts from here to Georgia and back again. That sweet boy makes our days so fun! 

^^Swinging like a big boy, and stopping to smell every. single. flower we pass.

^^^Some fun at the park on Friday. It was cold, but so fun to have the park all to ourselves!

 ^Ray and I rode our bikes to a friend's birthday party Saturday night. It was so romantic. :)

^^^An afternoon in the sun with family at a barbecue. 

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Linking up with Jenny & of course, the lovely ladies at A Mama Collective!

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Currently. hosts
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If you are interested in co-hosting, please email Jenna at info(at)amamacollective(dot)com to get on the list!

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  1. I love that he literally stops to smell the flowers!

    1. He sure does! Every time we walk. I call him Ferdinand. :)

  2. Such a sweet and much-loved little boy!

    I can imagine how arts and crafts can be therapeutic and relaxing, especially when done with friends. Good for you!

    1. He is much loved! It is absolutely therapeutic. Unfortunately my plate didn't turn out so pretty... ;)

  3. Those pictures are great. Emmett reminds me of my Christopher at that age. Love that boy's heart.
    I wish my family wanted to watch the Olympics. Sigh.
    Anyway - have a great week.

    1. I honestly can't stop watching! I turn it on first thing and it's on in the background all day. So exciting! Time to make your family watch a little. :)

  4. I love having a little boy, myself! He stops to smell every flower as well, even artificial ones. in a glass case! ;)

    1. So funny! Mine doesn't actually smell them- he just blows air at them. Ha! It's so sweet though, I don't correct him. :)

  5. Your weekend looks amazing!!! I'm so excited for you that it seemed like such a nice, wonderful time! AND you better show us your finished product from As You Wish!

    1. It was a good weekend. :) The plate, unfortunately, was not so good. Sigh.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Erika! I hope you'll join us in the link-up today!
