Wednesday, February 5, 2014

School Zoo Day!

Last week, Emmett's school put on a "Zoofari" day! Every few months they have a farmer bring in baby animals for the kids to see and play with. I was able to leave work early to meet his little class in the animal pen. That photo above is what I saw when I walked in- tiny little Emmett surrounded by his favorite things- animals!

He loves animals so much. He wakes up in the morning making elephant and lion sounds, and goes to bed at night talking to his monkey. We make animal noises all day long, every day, so we were so excited for this special day! We talked about it all week, so he knew something special was happening on our way to school that day.

There were all kinds of different bunnies and chickens, two pretty white ducks, a pot-belly pig, and two four-day-old baby goats! It was so sweet to see all the kids watching the animals, and to see their excitement! Emmett was nervous but every few minutes he would run over and touch the pig or a chicken and crack up laughing as he ran back to me. I love to watch that boy be brave! It was really fun seeing his excitement to be playing with real, live animals!

This duck was hilarious! It followed Emmett around, making us both nervous. :)
Love that toothy grin!

He held my hand the whole time, just to be sure I was close by.

Just watching, in awe.
I love that little boy so much. And I'm so grateful that we found such sweet little school that he loves, that encourages his little mind and gives him such wonderful experiences. It has been such a gift for us the last few months!


  1. What a totally fun trip! Nothing makes for a more fun time than little kids with animals. :)

    1. It was so fun! I can't get over those pictures. It was like a dream come true for him! Now I'm looking for places to take him that have baby animals so we can do it more often. :)
