Monday, March 17, 2014

Currently. In Georgia!

Reeling from: The weekend. Friday Emmett and I caught a flight from Phoenix to Atlanta. The flight was about as easy as it could have been. After a whole lot of worrying and confusion about our seats (I was worried we'd end up in a middle seat, which is my nightmare), we were blessed with a whole. entire. row. to ourselves! Even the flight attendant was amazed. She came over to me twice just to whisper in my ear how lucky I was and how she almost never sees that happen anymore. It wasn't lost on me. I know what it's like to fly with a baby, stuck between two people who are less-than pleased that they're sitting next to a wiggling baby. I know it was just another one of God's little ways of showing me he's in control.

Whoops, totally forgot it was Friday and grabbed a burger before our flight. :/

This lasted about 5 minutes.

Then it was lots of this, and no naps.
This made up for that though.
Ree-united and it feels so good!

From Atlanta, my parents picked us up and we drove to Columbus, Georgia to spend the weekend with my sister Shea, where she plays soccer at Columbus State University. Today is her birthday (Happy Birthday, Shea!!!), so I'm so glad we got to spend some time with her. We went to her soccer game on Saturday, had a few really good, southern meals together (endless biscuits and gravy?? Music to my ears!), and woke up to pouring rain on Sunday. Glorious.

Watching the air-show going on during Shea's game.
What's that? Rainboots and umbrellas!? Yes please!

Sunday afternoon we drove from Columbus to my hometown of Augusta, about four hours away. Emmett hates being stuck in the car for half an hour, so four hours was really, really rough. We left right at his nap time, so he cried for about half an hour before falling asleep to the sounds of his white noise and Finding Nemo on the iPad. An hour later, he was up again, and he was PISSED. Screamed bloody murder until we finally pulled over for some oatmeal (his favorite) and coffee at a Dunkin' Doughnuts. My dad must have worked some prayer magic because after that, it was mostly smooth sailing for the last two hours. And then, we were home.

Listening to:
 My parents and brother playing with Emmett in the kitchen. When he's here, he gets cars and toys and endless attention. You want Nemo you say? Nemo it is! Whatever his little heart desires is his. My family loves that boy and they don't get to see him enough, so they spoil him rotten when we're here. I love it. :)

Enjoying: The rain. Real weather! It's not just hot and sunny! Georgia weather is about as unpredictable as weather gets. Rain then sun then cold then hot. Give me cold and rain and a fire in the wood-burning stove please. I'll be under a blanket with a good book while everyone plays with Emmett. 

Looking forward to: The St. Patrick's Day Parade this afternoon, weather permitting. Augusta has a large Irish population, so St. Patty's Day has always been a big deal around here. I'm really excited to be in town for it this year, since I always miss it. My best friend's birthday is today, and I remember the year my sister was born like it was yesterday. The morning of the parade I was so excited to go to the parade, I was doing cartwheels in the hallway. Mid-cartwheel I kicked the door jam so hard I broke my big toe, then waddled around the parade all afternoon anyway. That was before cell phones, so when my mom went into labor my grandmother had to drive around for an hour to find us and bring us all to the hospital. I left with my toe in a cast and a new baby sister. That was an awesome year. 

I'm also looking forward to a relaxing week at home with my family. And all the familiar faces I'll get to see over the week. Moving and work and everything at home has been stressful, so this trip is a much-needed vacation from reality.

I hope you had a lovely weekend! I'm joining up with the lovely ladies from A Mama Collective to bring you this week's Currently. I hope you'll join us!

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Thinking about:
Listening to:
Thankful for:


  1. LOVING ALL OF THIS! Say hi to the fam for me and keep the pics coming! :) and enjoy the rain!

  2. Love all of this! So happy you are with your family and being filled up. We miss you back here though, so hurry and get filled soon ;)

  3. So awesome! Hope you have an amazing time with your family!!

  4. LOVE this. Emmett's sweet smile on the plane is literally the cutest thing ever. So awesome. And the memory of your big toe/new baby sister? Best ever.

  5. Great pictures.
    So glad you are relaxing with family.
    Marque is gone for a month. When he gets home we are going to Houston. I can not wait.

  6. I SO want to meet this capture his little personality so well!! Thank God for family!

    1. Thanks for saying that! He's the best. And yes, thank God for family.
