Wednesday, April 2, 2014


"A portrait of my Emmett, once a week, every week in 2014."

It was Sunday, and we were together. We stayed in our pj's because Emmett's were just so cute, we couldn't bring ourselves to change him into regular clothes. We did all of his favorite things. We watched whales on TV, ate oatmeal for breakfast, played with cars and trucks, and shared our watermelon with Bagel. We spent the afternoon outside in the beautiful spring weather. We talked to each other and listened to each other. We made break throughs, and we were content. It was such a beautiful, peaceful, easy day.

This week, I couldn't pick just one. This week there was so much I want to remember, to keep fresh in my mind. This week, I want those little pj's burnt into my memory. They are just so perfect.


  1. I love the colors of your photo. It is gloomy where I am today and its a nice pick me up reda =) Your son is Cute! #livingarrows

    1. Thank you Pixie! I'm glad our hot and sunny day helped you to feel less gloomy for a bit. :)

  2. Those pj's + that hat= best combo of all time

  3. Lovely pictures - it's nice to see someone enjoying nice weather outside, it's still cold and wet over here in Scotland!

    1. Wow! I believe you! I'm reading a series of books set in Edinburgh and it's pretty much always cold, windy and rainy in the books. Thanks for saying hello! I love hearing from people all over the world!
