Monday, April 28, 2014


Watching: "Whale moomie! Airpane moomie! Too too tain moomie! Meemo moomie!"Emmett has been pretty sick with croup-turned-awful cold since Thursday, so we've done a lot of snuggling up on the couch watching "moomies." He has a whale documentary on Netflix that he's obsessed with, so we watch that a lot. Then there's Airplanes, Thomas the Train (sooo annoying!), and Finding Nemo. I always ask for Nemo because it's the only one I can tolerate, but his favorite is always the whales. Poor little guy, he's been through a rough few days.

Listening to: Emmett's little cough, as he lays his head on my lap. He woke up with a croupy cough on Thursday, which lasted through Saturday. He's had pretty high fevers each night, topping out at 103 on Saturday night, and now he's got a bad chest cough and cold symptoms. He's a sad little boy today, tired of being sick. And Ray and I are worn out from being up in the night worrying about his fevers all weekend. We're heading to the doctor in an hour or so just to make sure his ears are clear and he's on the mend. We're all ready to get back to normal around here.

Thankful for: Good friends. The kind who send you a text out of the blue just to check on you when they know you're having a hard day. The kind who build you up and remind you that you're doing a good job when you're feeling low. The kind who share their homes and their dinner tables. Who stop by with a six-pack at the end of a long day to share a drink and listen to your troubles. We have really good friends.

And our hose. I'm thankful for our hose, for cheering up my sad sick little boy countless times this weekend. It's amazing what a little water can do to brighten a little boy's day.

I hope you had a beautiful weekend! As always, I'm linking up with the lovely ladies at A Mama Collective to bring you this week's Currently. I hope you'll join us!

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Thinking about:
Listening to:
Thankful for:


  1. Aw I hope he feels better soon. Moomies is too adorable.

    1. Ha! I love it too. :) He's doing much better, thank you!

  2. So sad when they're sick! I hope he continues to get better, for yall's sake too! p.s. Your house/yard looks really cool! Random... but I just had that thought. Haha!

    1. Thanks! We LOVE our back yard. We're renting, but the back yard makes us want to stay forever. It's so good!

      Emmett is feeling better, but still really cranky. We're all worn out! Can't wait for him to get back to 100%. Sick babies are so sad!

  3. Love those photos of the sprinklers/hose. He looks so joyful to be playing in any sort of water. Love you friend! So grateful for your friendship!

    1. He loves the water! And ditto- so grateful for you!

  4. I'm so so glad he's better. I loved all of this, though. Your pictures are amazing and keep getting better. Love you, friend. ~Jenna

    1. Thanks Jenna! Love you too. And yes, so glad he's better!
