Monday, May 5, 2014


Watching: Nashville! Or trying to. I steal my sister's Hulu log in and she's started watching the show now too because I won't stop talking about it and she wants to know what all the fuss is about but Hulu won't let you watch two shows at once on the same log in. Booooo.

I'm a little bit embarrassed by how much I love this show. When Emmett and I are lying on the couch in the morning watching his whale documentary, I'm secretly daydreaming about Nashville. When I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, I'm secretly day(night)dreaming of Nashville. It's that good. And I'm that obsessed. And alllll the drama!

Reading: Nothing exciting. Anyone have recommendations?

Thinking about: Instagram! I have a major crush on Instagram y'all. I love photography and looking at photos, so IG is the perfect social media app for me. There is so much inspiration to be found through hashtags and @instagram suggested users. There are people doing photo prompts like @my_365 and @its_my_week, communities teaching about iPhone photography like @annapolisandco's #theeverdayproject and my new favorite @theportraitclub's #theportraitclub. There's so much to learn and so many people to learn from, all over the world, at your fingertips. I have to be careful not to spend all day digging through hashtags and finding new users to follow. I just think it's so cool to be able to open an app and be inspired, just like that.

Thankful for: The weekend we had. It was really wonderful. Emmett and I started Friday off with a trip to the park with Mary and her kiddos, and finished it off with those same kiddos watching Frozen in the park. Such an awesome way to begin our weekend!

On Saturday, Ray worked at our condo (it's soooooo close to being ready to hit the market!) while I cleaned the house to get ready for our Cinco de Mayo party. Our friends arrived at 5 and we spent the evening chatting and eating while the kids played in the sprinkler and fought over trucks. It was a really awesome evening and left me feeling full and content and ready to host another party. We love having people over, and it's really nice having a place we are excited about to host parties and impromptu hang outs in the back yard.

If you're looking for something yummy to make for Cinco de Mayo, look no further. I wrote a complete menu yesterday!

I hope you had a lovely weekend as well!

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Thinking about:
Listening to:
Thankful for:
Wishing: (goals for the week)


  1. I love those summer pictures!!!

    1. Me too! Except that it's only spring which means summer is coming and summer here is HOT! ;)

  2. I'm pretty sure if we ever got Hulu or Netflix I would totally get sucked into too many tv shows! Ha! It's bad. And I'm definitely going to start following these instagram series!

    1. Ha! Luckily I don't have tooo much time to watch tv on my own these days or I'd be sucked in too! Emmett tends to hog the tv whenever it's on anyway. :)

  3. I love Instagram too! It is my FAVORITE Social media app. and I love your pics!!!

  4. Love your site! I only read a couple posts before I had to tell you that and that you're super relate-able! I'm reading Then I Became A Mother and it is SO sweet and funny! Super fast/easy read but a great reminder of what life was like while pregnant and going through the stages as your baby grew up! Mine is only 6 months and it's made me tear up several times...I can only imagine reading it again in a few years! Happy Mother's Day! <3

    1. Thank you Shelly! That means so much to me! I'm glad you're enjoying reading!
      And thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out.
      Happy Mother's Day!!
