Monday, May 19, 2014


Hey there and welcome to Currently, where we talk about what we are Currently up to and also let you share your own through the link-up below. We’d love for you to join us and add a link to your own Currently. post! It’s a great way to make new friends and build community.

Thinking about: Our house, finally going on the market last night! Woohooo! I've been trying really hard not to complain, but it has been a rough few weeks. Ray has spent every weekend and even some nights after work over there fixing, cleaning, and perfecting that house (he's amazing), so we miss him and are ready to have him back. I'm looking forward to having our weekends back too. 

I spend a lot of time at home alone with Emmett, so on the weekends, I really need some adult interaction and some fun, preferably outside the house. I'm looking forward to more of that in the coming weeks.

Now, we just have to sell the place. 

This is our friend Paul and I "helping" Ray paint/i.e. taking selfies.

Thankful for: Emmett's sleep habits of late. When he stopped nursing, he started sleeping through the night. Or vice versa. But that wasn't until he was about 17 months, so we spent many a night over the first year and a half wide awake wishing he'd sleep better. Now that he sleeps through the night, I am not taking it for granted. He goes to bed at 7:30 and doesn't wake up until morning. Morning can be anywhere from 5:30 on, but lately, he's sleeping until 8:00. Yes, 8:00! It's incredible. This weekend Ray and I slept in right along with him, and it was glorious. 

Anxious about: Work. I started a new job last week, working from home, so I'm in the midst of figuring out how to make it all work. It feels like a lot- I have three email accounts to juggle, which is a bit of a nightmare for me. I like my email to be really organized (weirdo), so three accounts to manage is stressing me out a bit.

I laughed at myself a few times this weekend when I started to get anxious about juggling two jobs and new responsibility on top of everything else going on. When I worked full time, my job was incredibly stressful and I managed it just fine, on top of being a mom and wife and everything else. So it's funny to me now that two part time jobs is stressing me out. And I feel silly for being anxious because HELLO! I'm living my dream! I'm staying home with my boy full time, and these two jobs are making that possible. But still, it's new and I'm figuring it out and so for now, it's stressful.

Also, I feel like I've signed away my nap times and evenings and even free time on the weekends. Working from home, you don't get to just leave work behind. It's always there, and this new job is the sort of thing that I can do as much or as little of as I want. Which means I will always feel like when I'm sitting down to watch TV or going to bed early, I should really be working. I guess I just need to set some boundaries, schedule time to work each day, and allow myself free time the rest of the time. I'll figure it out. Any of you mamas who work from home have advice for me?

Looking forward to: Swimming! We took Emmett swimming for the first time this year yesterday. Ray's parents have a pool so we can pop over whenever we want. I'm so excited to get him in the water and teach him how to swim on his own. He's an adventurous little thing, but he also loves holding on to his mama, so I hope I can get him feeling comfortable enough to want to swim on his own. So fun!

I hope you had a lovely weekend as well! As always, I am joining with A Mama Collective to bring you this week's installment of Currently.

Image Map
Thinking about:
Listening to:
Thankful for:
Wishing: (goals for the week)

Link back to this site so others can join with us, too! You can use the button below if you'd like:

A Mama Collective

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If you are interested in co-hosting, please email Jenna at info(at)amamacollective(dot)com to get on the list!


  1. Hi Anna Kate! I just found your blog on the Currently link up. Emmett sure is a cutie! He'll love swimming this summer, I bet. It's so great that you get to stay home with him! That's such a benefit to him and you! Soon you'll find a balance between your part time jobs and everything else - it all just takes an adjustment period. Keep up the good work, momma!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're right about swimming. I would love to have a little water baby! ;)
      And yes, staying home has been such a blessing! I know I'll get the balance figured out soon and we'll adjust.

  2. What's your new job and what does it entail? I would love to do some work from home! Tutoring is great, but not as consistent during the summer.

  3. Finding balance is rough sometimes, keep plucking away at it...I am sure it is just because working at home is new that makes it stressful. I even get anxious about being anxious, so I am with you AK =).

    1. Ha! Yes, I do too. I'm anxious about being anxious about work. SO DUMB! :)

      I'll figure it out, you're right, it's just that it's all new.

  4. YAY. I love reading about ya'll. Cutest little family ever!
    Praying that your house sells quickly.
    Loving the pictures of Emmitt.
    May I ask how you work from home? I'd love to find something. My child is 10 and we homeschool, but even a part time gig would be great.
    Oh - as for the emails. If you use Outlook, you can set up more than one email account to come tot he same screen. A Microsoft Tech can walk you through it. I used to support management back in the day, and I had all their email accounts in my email. But they had their own inbox, sent & folders. That might make it easier...

    Have a great week.

    1. Em- Outlook is a great idea! Thank you!
      I got so lucky with both my jobs. One is freelance writing, and the other is checking invoices for a roadside assistance company. Both are simple things I can do from home, and great companies that are happy to work with mamas and their sporadic schedules.
      Thanks for your sweet words!

  5. You're such a rockstar, friend! You blow me away with how much you can juggle and get done in one week. Thank God the house can be taken off the list. And can't wait for our many a swim dates this summer!

  6. I also work from home--a job that I can do as much or as little as I like--so I can totally identify with the feelings you have about always feeling like you need to (or could be) working when you have some down time. I was getting stressed as well, so I just had to determine the number of hours each day that I needed to work (income-wise). Usually, I get started as soon as I put my little guy (18 months) down for his morning nap and I continue into the afternoon when he wakes from his second nap, with breaks for getting him lunch and household chores. Then, once I hit my goal for the day, I shut my computer and I feel free to take him on an afternoon outing, run errands, whatever. Having that hourly goal helps on days when we mix it up a little as well--if we have a playdate in the morning, when I usually work, I know that I'll just have to make up for it a little once my son goes to bed for the night. You'll find a good rhythm! I enjoy following your blog!

    1. Wow, that is such good advice! I need to look at our budget and figure out how much I need to get done each day, and not stress about doing a whole lot more than that. I feel so lucky to be able to be home, so stressing and complaining is silly, but it's all overwhelming at first. Thanks so much!

  7. oh good luck figuring out your new job situation! Sometimes it is a blessing and a burden when you have something that you can do whenever, but you also feel you should be doing it always...setting boundaries should be helpful I'd hope!

    1. That's exactly it. So far though, it's been great and I'm working on getting a system together for when to work, and when to put work away for the day. Thanks for the advice! Boundaries are exactly what I need. :)

  8. darling photos. i can't believe how much is going on! good luck with everything!! change is good but tough! xo

    the well-traveled wife ♥

    1. Yes, lots going on, but all good things. :) I really appreciate that! Change is always a bit overwhelming but it's good change this time, thank God!
