Friday, May 2, 2014

Weekend Inspiration

Try: With Cinco de Mayo coming up, I'm looking forward to celebrating with friends in the back yard. I'm picturing twinkle lights, kids playing water games, and fresh margaritas made with citrus from our trees. Ray usually just wings the recipe, but this one is pretty good too. ;)

Buy: Spring seems to just be showing it's pretty face in most areas of the country, but here, it's Summer already. The high over the weekend is supposed to be 100, which means 110 and 120 are just around the corner. I'm not excited about any of that, but I am excited about shorts. These are on my dream list.

Make: Speaking of Cinco de Mayo, a version of these are on the menu for a little party we're having on Saturday. I'm hoping to share the recipe before Monday. We'll see if I get to it! ;)

Bake: I've been craving these insanely delicious salty-sweet bars for weeks, so I'm hoping to make a big batch in the morning. Yummmmmmm.

Have a great weekend friends! I hope your weekend involves cooler weather than mine will!