Friday, May 9, 2014

Weekend Inspiration

Try: This weekend, I hope, will be a lazy one. Last Mother's Day, Ray woke up really sick so all of our plans went out the window and I was left feeling.. less than celebrated. This year, I just want to relax at home with my family. And maybe some flowers. Flowers would be good. ;) I'm picturing slow meals outside while Emmett plays, basking in the afternoon shade.

My hair is really long right now and in desperate need of a good haircut, so I've been looking for new styles to try that keep it out of my way while still looking put together and cute. I'm planning to try this one over the weekend.

Buy: I need a swimsuit! It's already summer here in AZ, and we're heading to a friend's pool for the first time tonight. I've been avoiding the idea of a swimsuit with all my might, but it's time. I loved this one from Madewell- so bright and fun and flattering, maybe. It's on the expensive side (aren't all good swimsuits!), so I'll be looking for something like it, but less expensive. :)

Make: For a weekend like the one I'm hoping we'll have, crock-pot meals are perfect. Low energy, low effort, big results. BBQ is on my mind these days. Summer seems to do that to me. So I plan to make this delicious looking Brown Sugar and Balsamic Glazed pork tomorrow morning to last us through the weekend.

Bake: Every good weekend needs a little baking. Ray plans to head over to the condo tomorrow to finish painting the last bathroom that needs painting (praise the Lord), which leaves plenty of time for Emmett and I to make cookies. :)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother's Day!

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