Friday, June 7, 2013

7 Quick Takes {3}

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at the Conversion Diary today, for 7 Quick Takes Friday!

1. Emmett is dealing with some major separation anxiety lately. He's starting to stand and even attempt a few steps on his own, and we've read that with his new-found freedom often comes increased awareness of his surroundings. Which means he's aware that we're leaving him to go to work each day, and he doesn't like it. Not one bit. He cries and cries when I leave, and I fight back tears of my own. It sucks.
This morning when he noticed I was getting ready to leave, he crawled over to me crying and yelling (yes, baby yelling) for me to pick him up. He squeezed my arms super tight so I couldn't let him go, so I hugged him tight and gave him all the kisses ever. When I tried to hand him over to my sister, he hit my chest and scratched and pinched me and then pulled my hair. Poor guy doesn't know what to do with his frustrated feelings. It's pretty cute, despite the lashing out.

2. After paying our mortgage last week, we were particularly strapped for cash until I received my paycheck yesterday. It was rough. Since yesterday was payday, we grabbed a Groupon and headed to Mellow Mushroom for pizza during happy hour. Emmet loves to be out of the house, and we love to eat out, but we try not to unless we can make it during happy hour. Sometimes it's nice to eat out and feel like we're splurging, especially when we're actually not spending a lot of money. Call me crazy.

Here are a couple of videos from dinner of Emmett's best new tricks and baby-sized pizza:

3. Emmett and I were kinda matchy last night so I made Ray take some pictures of us. I think we look cute but Ray kept saying "Motherboy" the whole time. I didn't let that ruin it. Mom and baby matching fuh lyfe!

Ray made me this gif. Gah I love gifs!

4. After the wedding we went to last weekend, Ray and I walked around the grounds of Val Vista Lakes, where the reception was held. It's really gorgeous. There are pools and a lake and waterfalls and I want to live there now. Anyway it was night time but they have the coolest pool that I can't wait to sneak into with Emmett. It's a beach pool! The floor is sand, and it's really shallow, just like a beach, so Emmett can sit and play in the sand. I'm hoping it won't be TOOOOO hot this weekend so we can go.


 5. Have I mentioned it's hot here in AZ? Like crazy hot. Like so hot I feel my skin burning and expect to see it crackling like pig-skin on an open fire. I basically only go outside to run to my car-turned-oven when I have to go somewhere because good lawd it's hot. I'm a warm weather person, but I have my limits.

I worry about Emmett in this heat for so many reasons. Getting him into the car when we go grocery shopping is scary. We have covered parking at home, but when we're out the temperature inside the car gets outrageously hot, so I really hate putting him in the carseat. Also it's too hot to go outside during the day, but I don't like him being cooped up inside all the time either. So, we are looking for indoor activities at the library and the Y and wherever else we can look. It's going to be a long few months until it cools off in October. Yup, October.

6. It's National Doughnut Day today! Ray says every day is National Some Food Day so he doesn't let me celebrate all of them (we can't have waffles for dinner?? why not??), but I mean come on it's National Doughnut Day! I didn't have time to stop for doughnuts on my way to work, but my sister is wonderful so she surprised me with a visit and a bag of chocolate and regular glazed from Krispy Kreme. Best surprise ever. Definitely made my Friday better. Thanks again, Ci!

7. I've got a really fun giveaway scheduled for Monday! You're gonna want to see this one. Hint: check out this post for a clue!

Have a great weekend!


  1. That pool looks amazing! I can't believe it is so hot so soon! I hate putting Ted in his carseat too...he is such a sweaty boy! As for the guess is moccasins?! Can't wait to see!

  2. Kellie, I know! I can't wait to take Emmett there! I think our babies are just doomed to be sweaty messes all Summer! Emmett's little cheeks turn red the minute we step outside! Luckily he loves water now so he will drink tons of ice water. We keep it with us always!

    Also, good guess! ;)
