Monday, June 10, 2013

Freshly Picked Moccasins Review

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but we LOVE Freshly Picked moccasins. Like, we really love them. We've featured them on the blog a few times here, here, and here. My mom bought our first pair for Emmett a few weeks ago, and we've never seen his little feet look so cute!

These are the Weathered Brown Genuine Leather moccs. These are sold out at the moment. 

So when Freshly Picked sent us a pair of their insanely cute, super-coveted moccs to review on the blog, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven! We chose to review the Cobalt Suede Limited Edition Moccasins in a size 4.

Here they are on Emmett's feet:

Poor teething boy- those pouty lips are so sad!

The team at Freshly Picked hand-makes each pair of moccs to order, so they tell you to allow at least 10 business days for your moccs to be made before they ship. I received a shipping notification in my inbox 9 business days after we ordered, so they shipped right on time. They arrived about 4 days later, packaged in the cutest drawstring bag, complete with a little Freshly Picked logo button!
I forgot to take a picture when our Cobalt Suede pair arrived, but here is a photo of the Weathered Brown pair with the packaging:

So Cute. By the way, we ordered a size 3 in the Weathered Brown pair, but when they arrived, they were just a bit too small. They fit okay, but I knew he would grow out of them in no time so we really needed a size 4. I emailed Jodi at the Freshly Picked shop about an exchange, and she was so sweet about it! Because the moccs are made to order, they do not allow refunds, but they are happy to do exchanges. So, I sent back the 3's and received a size 4 in the mail less than a week later. Thank goodness!

There are so many things that I love about the Cobalt Suede moccs. First off, they are the cutest, most stylish baby shoes I've ever seen. I'm slightly obsessed with how cute Emmett's little calves and ankles look sticking out of them. It's almost too much. The color is so deep and striking, and the bright blue goes with so many of Emmett's clothes. They have hidden elastic around the opening of the shoe that makes them super easy to put on and take off, which is really rare with baby shoes! Big plus.

I love that they are soft-soled, so they don't bother Emmett when he's crawling around the house and learning to stand and walk. Ray doesn't like the idea of thick-soled shoes on his feet as he's learning to walk, but I really want him to wear shoes when we're outside. It's so hot here in AZ, so without shoes I wouldn't be able to let his little feet touch the ground. So, the soft, flexible leather is really perfect for us.

They are also surprisingly breathable. The leather is thin enough that it isn't constricting on his little feet, and there are vents on each side (another feature that makes them easy to get on and off) that allow air in to cool his feet. I assumed the leather might be too hot for Summer here, but they really aren't too hot at all.

The leather used to make both the Weathered Brown and the Cobalt Suede seems super durable, which is so important for babies. Emmett is a wild man who loves to destroy just about everything, and these seem Emmett-proof! I can tell they will last a long time, which is good because at $60 a pair I want to be able to pass them on to Emmett's future siblings.

I really only have a couple of criticisms of the Cobalt Suede moccs. First, and this is a really small one, it can be kinda hard to tell which shoe goes on which foot. There is a difference between the right and left shoe, but it's pretty slight. I can figure it out pretty quickly, but it would be nice if it was an instant thing that I don't have to think about when we're running out the door.

The other con that I've noticed is that the suede acts like a feather duster when Emmett's crawling around the floor in them. They pick up lots of dirt and dust, but it's not a big deal because it's really easy to clean them off. It takes a quick wipe with a dry cloth and then they're good as new. This isn't a problem at all with the leather Weathered Brown pair- they stay pretty clean.

We've had our moccs for about 3 weeks now, and they're holding up pretty well. The little tassels around the ankle curl up more and more as he wears them, which makes them even cuter, if that's possible! This is what they look like today:

Gah those shoes are cute!


  1. Anna Kate this is SOOOOOO SOOOOO SOOOOOOOOO EXCITING! I have been DYING to order a pair for Evie! I would get either the weathered brown (so we can re-use them hopefully for our next kiddo) or the platinum. AGAIN, GREAT giveaway! I LOVE these MOCCS!! GAH!

    1. I hope you win! Evie needs those platinum moccs!

  2. AK, OH MY GOSH! These are too much! Can all of our little ones rock these they're so CUTE! It's really hard to choose one, but I'd love to see Joel in either the weathered brown (again to re-use for future siblings), smoke, or cobalt. I'm a sucker for all things colbalt right now. Ok final answer weathered brown. I'm so excited you're doing this...Emmett is obnoxiously cute in these!

    1. OH my gosh I can't imagine Joel getting any cuter, seriously, but these little moccs on his feet would be so insane cute.

  3. I'm a GFC follower.
    I would love the Red Rock Suede Moccasins for my son. These are so adorable. Why don't they come in adult size? I want a pair, too!


    1. Paula,

      I feel the same way! I would love a pair for myself!

  4. Tamar W GFC follower. I love the turquoise suede. They'd be so awesome on my daughter! Yes, I said it. I am a girl who likes blue, and she looks great in blue ;)
    (I agree with Paula, I would love a pair for myself.)

    1. Oops and I forgot this :( tamarsweeps-at-gmail-dot-com

      I would have done the second entry for it to count and for this not to be an unnecessary second post (and I do follow you both on Instagram, tamarsw), but I don't know how to do the second part of the entry. How do I repost an image to a feed?

    2. Hi Tamar! I LOVE the turquoise for a girl! That's probably the color I would choose for myself if they came in my size!
      To repost on Instagram, I usually just do a screenshot of the image I want to repost and upload it to my feed just like any other iPhone pic. I'm sure there's probably a better way, but I haven't figured it out!
      Good luck!!

    3. ooh. I hope commenting here isn't cheating! If so, please delete my comment.

      That seems complicated. I wish Instagram focused more on sharing (a la repins via Pinterest) than on the mobile experience. I use Instagram on my desktop, not my mobile. I guess I couldn't do that. I hope that following you is still okay! Thanks for replying, Anna Kate!

    4. Not cheating at all! You can comment once a day to enter. :)
      I agree! Using Instagram online just isn't the same experience as it is on a phone. But don't worry! You have two entries (one for each comment) now! Good luck!

  5. I would pick sand suede for my grandson
    ky_grandma40 at yahoo dot com

  6. I SO need to win this giveaway! I'm so excited you're offering it...I've been googling "Freshly Picked Giveaway" for weeks! Evie! Moccs! NEED!

    1. Haha Corinna I really hope you win! Sorry everyone else! I hope y'all win too! ;)

  7. What a fabulous giveaway!!! I recently discovered freshly picked moccasins and I'm dying to try them out on my little boy Evan. He would love the color smoke!

    Now following you on Instagram: nessaswrld

  8. Is it sad that I want Corinna to win too, but I also wouldn't be sad if Joel won either! These are so sweet! I can already picture them on Joel's feet.

    1. I know! No more competing with friends! Haha! They'd look cute on any of our babies!

  9. Following you via GFC as Rusty and I'd choose the Sand Suede Moccasin for my first great-grandbaby. rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. I like the Sand Suede Moccasin for my grandson.

  11. Such an exciting giveaway!! Good luck everyone! I want!!! :D

  12. Comon! Baby needs a new pair of shoes! ;) Good luck everybody!

  13. I think Ellie needs a pair of these. She would look adorable in the bubble gum pink or turquoise ones. They are unreal cute!

  14. I'm a new follower! My son, Baylor, would love the cobalt blue moccs! We are mega freshly picked fans and now mega fans of yours as well. Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Jerika, thanks so much! The cobalt blue are SO CUTE!

  15. Love these little freshly picked moccasins so much!! Our little guy (who's still cooking till September) would be so cute in these little mocs!

    1. Congratulations Hayley!! Oooooh teeny tiny baby feet need moccasins!!

  16. Love these little freshly picked moccasins so much!! Our little guy (who's still cooking till September) would be so cute in these little mocs!

  17. SUCH A LOVELY GIVEAWAY! Now lucky stars align, Sadie bear would love to win a pair of FP moccs! ... in a colour that's TBD, how do you choose just one?! :)

    1. Charisse seriously! It's impossible to choose!

  18. I'm a GFC follower. I love the Grass Suede pair.

  19. I follow you on GFC-Laura Emerson. I would choose the Grass Suede for my son. Thank you for such a great and fun giveaway!
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  20. Today is the day!!! Have my fingers crossed! Good Luck!! :)

  21. i am a follower on gfc susansmoaks and i would choose the grass suede for our son, they are so stinkin' cute!

    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks Susan!! I'll be choosing a winner at random tonight! Good luck!

  22. Love, love, love the moccasins! Emmett looks adorable in them too! I think I would pick blue or sand color for Ted :)

  23. Last day! Whoever wins these is a very lucky baby!

  24. I'm following via GFC and I would pick the Sand Suede - Moccasin for my grandson.
    kathyluman@gmail dot com

  25. Ohh how exciting Anna Kate! I just realized today is the last day - I hope I'm not too late! If I had to choose one (how?!) I would choose butterscotch! But they are ALL so darn cute! And I would get them for my sweet Bennett Boy :) Fingers crossed!

    1. Jill, I'm pretty sure Bennett needs some little moccs!

  26. I am a GFC follower and I love the Grape Suede Moccasins! I was really hoping they would have these in my size!! Thanks!

    1. Thanks Jennafer! I love the Grape Suede too! So cute!

  27. I am commenting for J White!
    "Just want to let you know I shared your site on my facebook - hope that counts for the Moc Contest.

  28. I am leaving a comment for Jennifer (@myboy_cayden on IG)!

  29. Commenting for Danielle Thiessen!

    If you can't leave a comment, please shoot me an email so I can comment for you!


  30. My son, we've been dying to get our mitts (or feet!) on a pair of these! Love, love, love!!!

  31. I'm following you and I would choose the cherry red

  32. I have seen these moccasins all over the place. They are so cute and so stylish for babies. My friend is pregnant right now and I really want to get some for her baby, she isn't going to find out the gender so the good thing about these moccasins is that they are unisex and can be used for either girls or boys. I'm really excited for her baby to get here and to cuddle the baby like crazy.
