Monday, July 8, 2013

Keepin' It Real {5} + Our Weekend

 I am linking up with Mary Beth over at Annapolis & Company today for her weekly Our Weekend link up!

My kid hates Sundays. And afternoons. But especially Sundays.

He always has. Every Sunday, our sweet baby boy turns into a fussy, clingy mess. He only wants to be held. He wants to nurse all day. He won't nap. Ray used to have friends over on Sundays to watch football games. Once we had Emmett Ray's friends stopped coming. They couldn't hear the game for all the crying.

Every weekend we're optimistic. We make plans to do fun things, we invite friends over, we try to sit down and make a weekly meal plan. But then Emmett skips his second nap, which is quickly becoming obsolete, and all hell breaks loose. It's all we can do to survive until dinner time.

It's not all bad though. There are a few giggles and hugs and smiles here and there, mostly when we bribe the boy with watermelon, and we start to think things are turning around. But then he throws his watermelon rind in my face and yells "up up up" and then he's inconsolable again.

We take trips to the grocery store just to get out of the house and kill time. The whole time we're out he's happy and content and even quiet. But the moment we set foot in our house again, he's miserable. I wonder if he's just over being in the house after a long week, but we've spent a lot of time out of the house the last few days, so I'm not sure if that's it. Maybe we'll never figure it out.

All I know is, we have to keep being optimistic. Keep hoping the next Sunday will be better. Who knows, maybe this weekend will be the best one yet!

So Emmett, a little less of this:

And a little more of this, mmkay:

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