Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Flooring Project

The weekend before Emmett's birthday party, Ray and his parents decided to tackle the biggest eyesore in our house... The landing between our front door and our stairs. We have wood floors downstairs and carpet upstairs, but the landing remained carpeted. It was stained and torn, and it stood out like a horribly sore thumb. The landing is the first thing people see when they walk in our front door, so we've been talking about changing it since I moved in after our wedding.

When Ray told me his parents were coming over to rip up the carpet and lay hardwoods, I was ecstatic!   As I mentioned here, it was tough keeping Emmett entertained outside the house while they worked, but we love the new landing so it was totally worth it!

Here are a few before and after photos, but be sure to ignore all of the mess!

See what I mean? That carpet was nasty!

Carpet is gone! Woohooooo!

Pulling up staples for days.

In order to fit the face of the landing with flooring and trim, they decided to square it off.
Progress at the end of day one. It already looks so much better!

Day 2: Beginning to lay the flooring.
Finished! And verrrrrrrry dusty. 

Seriously. Dust for days slash weeks.

Ray's parents are amazing! They are always so happy to spend a weekend helping Ray with a project (see our kitchen renovation here), and they always do such a great job!! We got a lot of compliments on the updated flooring at Emmett's party, and we are so happy with how everything turned out!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jenna! We like it a lot. So much better than the old nasty carpet!

  2. Oh wow, it looks awesome!! What an improvement :)

  3. What a blessing to have those willing hands to help! It looks absolutely beautiful!

  4. Looks wonderful! Someday I hope that we can replace all of our carpet with wood flooring. It looks so much nicer and so much easier to keep clean :-)

  5. That looks great! We just bought our house in April and there are things that I want to do but am so scared of DIY besides painting. Posts like this give me hope that it can be done :)

  6. Wow! Amazing how changing that little space makes such a difference! It looks great!
