Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Keepin' It Real Y'all

Linkin up with Track 8! Have y'all entered Corinna's Freshly Picked giveaway yet??

Today was a long and exhausting and rough day for all of us. By the time we got home from work, no one wanted to cook, so we threw in the towel and went out for burgers. We try really hard to make sure Emmett eats well balanced, healthy meals, but tonight, we just didn't have it in us. He shared our burgers, fries, and even some ranch dressing.

Part of me was mortified. All I could think is What must all these people think of us! Any second someone is going to walk up to our table and call us out. "How old is that baby!", I kept hearing them say in my head. "French fries?! Are you kidding!?" Instead everyone in the tables around us just oohed and aahed and chatted with him while he played with his food. The rest of me was just relieved to be sitting down to a meal as a family that we didn't have to work for. We'll give him an extra helping of veggies tomorrow!

Some days we just do what we can to survive, and we pat ourselves on the back for getting through the day.


  1. Such a sweet picture! :-)

    I agree Anna Kate, as parents we really have to learn to give ourselves permission sometimes to be exhausted, frustrated, imperfect...basically human. Our kids will be all the better for us embracing that things don't always happen the way we hope/plan, but as long as the love, good intentions and quality time spent together are in place, we're okay.

  2. It amazes me how often we have identical days/blog posts/you name it. I love how you write, Anna Kate, because I read your posts and just smile and think "me too!"

    We had exactly the same day. I walked in the door with Evie at almost 6 pm, running on fumes and told Kemi "I want take-out." Haha! It was one of those days where Evie watched a few too many Elmo YouTube videos and ate nothing green. I felt like the worst ever when, at 5:30 pm she was eating a bag of graham cracker bunnies in the backseat. Oh I'm glad I'm not the only one.

    1. I feel like we deserve days like that- just giving up on healthy dinners and grabbing take-out with our families. It's good for the soul and bad for our hips and that makes it perfect.

  3. Sometimes fries just happen! Being a mom is about rolling with the punches for sure. Adorable picture, btw!

    1. Thank you! Love that picture. :)

      You're right, sometimes fries do just happen and I'm okay with that!

  4. I let go of those judgments I thought other moms were making about food & too much tv when I was pregnant with my second and was took sick to do much but him Play again for my daughter and couldn't stand the smell of so many foods. You learn to let go.
