Monday, August 12, 2013

Travelling With Baby

I haven't been to Georgia since Christmas! It's been way too long. My parents and siblings visit us pretty often, but we have a huge family and tons of friends there who haven't seen Emmett since he was 6 months old. Ray and I will go for a week over Thanksgiving, but now that the Summer's winding down, I'm starting to yearn for a vacation. So, I've decided to fly home with Emmett over Labor Day weekend in a couple of weeks. Wooohooooo!

Here's my dilemma: I have Monday off and I'm able to take Tuesday and Wednesday, but that only leaves us with 5 days, two of those being travel days. So I'm considering flying overnight... alone... with Emmett.. Have any of you mama's tried an overnight flight? We would have one layover, which means changing planes at 4 am AZ time, 7 am Georgia time. Am I crazy?!

It's risky- Emmett never ever sleeps when I'm holding him, except on airplanes. I'm not sure if it's the white noise, or the movement, but he has slept like an angel every flight we've taken so far, so I'm hoping a night flight will be perfect for us. But I'll have to wake him up, get him to the car, drive to the airport, go through security, wait for the flight, then change planes in the middle of the night and do it all over again. It could be awful! But it would mean an extra full day with my family on Saturday so I think it's worth a try. 

I'd love to hear your travel stories- good and bad. What works for you? I'm thinking one bag, full of books and snacks, and an ERGO carrier to snuggle him to me all night.

Also, these buns!:


  1. I have never flown overnight with a little one, just a few hours away. I bring lots of "busy" toys to keep them occupied plus snacks!

    1. Thanks Taylor! I'm hoping he'll sleep the whole time we're in the sky, but I'll definitely have a bag of his favorite toys for the layovers!

  2. We are taking our first plane trip next week! We've done a couple staycations, though, and the most important thing to bring is diapers, clothes, carriers, and "sleep stuff." Hotel rooms are full of new "toys" for kiddos, but you don't want to forget anything that's part of your night-time routine!

    1. Oh I hope your flight goes well! It's always so scary because you have no idea how it will go, but so far all of our flights have been really smooth. Thanks for the tips!

  3. I do a lot of traveling with my kids, just me, but never flying. I have only flown by myself. I couldn't even imagine juggling kids and bags.

    1. Debi my plan is to check everything! It's more expensive, but I can't imagine having to deal with Emmett and a carry on! I'll just take a small bag with toys and necessary things on the plane.
      Driving is scarier than flying for me! I can't imagine being stuck in a car by myself with kids for very long. At least in the plane I can hold him and get up and walk around! You are a brave woman!

  4. I've never flown with my kids. I'm just too nervous that the baby would spend the whole flight screaming. Maybe with a little baby that sleeps most of the time, but I wouldn't take my one year old now. But if I absolutely had to, I'd definitely pack my baby carrier for walking up and down the aisles. I've also heard that nursing baby during take off and touch down can help with the pressure in their ears. Good luck!

    1. Olivia, the nursing trick definitely works! I flew when Emmett was 3 months and then again when he was 6 months, and those flights were all super easy and uneventful. I'm definitely nervous now that he's 13 months old- walking and talking and full of energy. I'm hoping he'll sleep since the flight is so late at night, but we'll see!
