Wednesday, October 16, 2013

100th Post!: Why I Blog

For my 100th post (!), I thought I would tell y'all why I write this little blog.

When I began the blog, almost 2 years ago, I was newly married, newly pregnant, and living in Arizona, far away from my family. I wanted a place to share our new life together, to document my pregnancy, and to post a million pictures for my mom. I never expected anyone to read it (except my mom of course), so I started writing for myself right from the beginning. I wrote about the sweet little baby growing inside me, about my experience with pregnancy, and immediately began to feel like I was a part of a community of women sharing about this time in our lives. I loved that.

I began to love this little space of mine. It gave me a place to document all of the things we were doing. It gave me a place to share our life with others. And most importantly, it gave me a place to come and unwind, to open up, and to relax at the end of a long day. It has become a peaceful place for me. Where I go to share my heart. It is my therapy.

I've written things on this blog that I haven't ever said out loud. Letters to my son that I (and he, hopefully) will cherish forever. Musings on this amazing scary wild and wonderful new role as a mother. Daily heartache I experienced as a full-time working mama. And most recently, sharing about my sweet Oliver has helped me through the grieving process in ways that I can't even explain. Sharing these things with you has done so much good for me.

I've come to realize that I blog because I need to. Because I love to. This is where I open my heart and my mind and let all of the love and pain and joy and sadness pour out so that it doesn't boil over inside me. I hope whoever reads this blog enjoys it, feels encouraged or less alone or understood because of what I write here. I hope it brings some good to the world. But even if not, it makes me better to share my life with you. This little blog has enriched my life in so many ways already in these two short years, and I can't wait to see where it brings me next.

Every few months I go back and read some of my old posts and I am so blessed by them. It's amazing to read what was running through my head when I was pregnant, falling in love with my little man before I had even met him. It's amazing to read about those first few weeks with him. There are so many things that I forget, so I'm happy to have these old posts to remind me of the little things that have happened in our life. I hope one day Emmett will read this blog and see how much I loved him. When he's a teenager torturing me with his angst I plan to pull this up and show him so he'll be nice to me again. :) I would give anything to have access to my mom's thoughts when she was pregnant with me, after I was born and during my childhood. How amazing would that be?

So these are a few of the reasons why I blog. There are more, and I know over time I will discover new reasons. I hope you enjoy reading what I write here. I hope my silly little blog blesses you (at least a fraction) as much as it blesses me.


  1. What a sweet and cheerful blog you have going here! There's nothing like becoming a mother. I love blogging too. It's my emotional outlet, a place to archive my thoughts and my growing boys. It's a wonderful thing! Blog on.

    1. Thanks Jessie! I know blogging is silly to some people, but it's really been a blessing for me! It's definitely an emotional outlet for me too. I enjoyed reading through some of your posts yesterday and can't wait to read more!

  2. so sweet! a lot can happen in one hundred posts!! I am a new follower & friend from Today is my Favorite!!


    1. Hi Beth!

      Thank you so much for reading, and for following! I'm so glad you found me through Today is my Favorite. I just spent a little bit of time on your blog and love it! I am following now too! I can't wait to read more. I love finding new blogs, especially blogs like yours (full of beautiful photos, pretty things, and lots of real life thrown in!), so thanks for saying hello so that I could find you!

  3. Hi Anna Kate!
    This is Anna May - Emily Wilson's older sister. I found you through Corinna's blog and although I'm not a mom yet, I enjoying reading all the mama blogs :) I've been following you and praying for you - blogging is such an amazing way to build a community that we may not even know exists. I just thought I'd say hi, finally, and let you know I'm reading. Thank you for sharing your story and your heart!

    1. Hi Anna May! It's so good to hear from you. Thanks for reading, but thank you even more for the prayers! You are so sweet- I'm so glad you decided to say hello!

  4. Gosh, you share similar reasons why I blog, this blog is where I really open up and share my joys and pains. I love this community that i've come to be part of

    1. Isn't it great! Blogging has been such a joy for me. Thanks for reading TOI!
