Monday, December 9, 2013


Linking up with A Mama Collective for Currently!

Thinking about: Christmas! Mostly Christmas gifts, and how I'm going to pay for them! I'm really excited about the challenge of getting great gifts for everyone on a reeeeeaally tight budget this year!

Reading: The Inspector Rebus series! I'm currently on A Question of Blood (book 14! Yikes!). I'm really into British crime novels. I've read the Sherlock Holmes stories more times than I can count, so I was really happy to stumble across the Rebus novels because there are a million of them to keep me busy. :)

Listening to: The new Arcade Fire, Lorde (can't help it!), and Volcano Choir. But I'm on the lookout for a great Christmas radio station, either on Spotify, iTunes Radio, or Pandora. Suggestions?

Watching: Ray and I just finished the last season of The Newsroom. OHMYGOSH I'm obsessed with that show! The dialogue is so well done- perfect writing and perfect acting. I can't say enough good things. We watched the first episode of Bonnie & Clyde last night. Pretty good so far and I'm interested in seeing the next one. Also dying for the new season of Sherlock!

Thankful for: My little family. Emmett has been so sweet and happy lately. We spent the weekend smiling and giggling with eachother and it was such a nice departure from last week with the constant "mamamamamas" and fussiness. Looks like he's finally over the awful cold he's had and we're getting back on track. I'm excited for Christmas with my family. I'm excited for scaled-down gift lists and just enjoying the memories we're making together this year.



  1. Beautiful post AK :) Thanks for linking up with us.

    I love that you're so into British crime novels! I think I may have to try one ;)

    Also, Nellie turned me on to independent artists' versions of Christmas songs on Pandora. I don't really know what search term she used for that, though... haha. It was awesome and unique (because I kind of HATE traditional Christmas music to go along with my hating Christmas).

    Also, the pictures just keep getting better and better. I almost want you to do our family photos from your iPhone. Can we make a business out of this?

    1. Thank you Jenna! Definitely try one! Start with Sherlock Holmes though.. ;)
      I'll be trying that Christmas station this afternoon! That sounds right up my alley!
      And hahaha I should open up an iPhone portrait business! JK, I don't trust myself with anyone's family photos but thank you for saying that! :)
