Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Weekend (A Day Late)

Thursday's sunset. Gorgeous!

We stayed in our pj's until after his nap on Friday, then spent the afternoon outside.

Emmett's school Christmas program was Saturday morning. He did awesome! So we celebrated with Chic-Fil-A. :)

We had such a good weekend, despite this awful cold I've been fighting. I only worked a half day on Thursday, so Emmett and I got the weekend started early. He was in a really happy mood all weekend, so we giggled and played most of the time. Saturday morning Emmett's school put on their Christmas program. The kids in Emmett's class mostly just stood there and cried when they saw their mama's, but it was fun to see him up on stage with all of his little friends! We celebrated with a lunch at Chic-fil-a, which is Emmett's favorite because of all the cows. He says "moooooo" the whole time!

We decorated our tiny little table-top tree, and Emmett loves the lights as much as I do. There's nothing in the world like a Christmas tree all lit up and covered in ornaments! We spent most of Sunday in our pj's, then did a little Christmas shopping. It was a great weekend. Relaxing and fun and even a little festive!

I hope you had an awesome weekend too!