Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Moms Just Want Clothes...

I came across something interesting on Facebook today. My good friends over at A Mama Collective posed the following question on their Facebook page, and the response was incredible!:

That's 137 comments in 4 hours. I've almost never seen that kind of response to a post on Facebook written by a blogger. 137 mamas (and counting!) answered that question, and their answers were really something. They were just what I expected, but surprising at the same time. The most common response was one that I expected to see: clothes. These mamas just want clothes that fit. That's all. If you gave them $1000 today that they HAD to spend on themselves, and you really do have to stress that rule, they would buy themselves clothes that fit.

Isn't that just like a mom? These women spend all of their time, energy, and money on their families. Their kids are clothed, fed, and loved, and there's not much left over for the mamas. As mothers, our instinct is to give everything to our children and to think of ourselves last. We all know women like that; most of our own moms live by this philosophy and have unwittingly passed it on to us. We can't help it. If it comes down to clothes for us or clothes for our kids, we'll choose our kids, 999 times out of a thousand.

Of course, there were other, less practical responses. Some want new cameras, plane tickets to visit friends, or even $1000 worth of babysitting time to just sleep (great idea!!), and quite a few spa days. But clothes was the answer given most often, and I can understand why. When we become mothers, our bodies change. Pregnancy does a number on our figures. Then there's the crazy roller-coaster called the postpartum period. Breastfeeding, stress, lack of sleep, etc often cause weight loss or weight gain, or both! If you have multiple children, all of this is multiplied and the changes you undergo are basically non-stop. So it's no wonder that most mamas struggle to keep a closet full of clothes that actually fit!

This Christmas season, I hope to appreciate mamas more. I hope to find small ways to bless all of the wonderful mamas in my life. And I hope to remember this post on Facebook next time I'm trying to think of a gift for a new (or not so new) mom! If you're stumped, give them a gift certificate to Gap! ;)


  1. Haha good idea!! Since The Gap is basically Heaven on earth ;)

    Loved this post!!

  2. Ha! I just ordered a few things from Gap/Old Navy online. You are right...even if you get back to your same pre-baby weight, your body is just not the same as it was before. I feel like nothing fits the same at all! Loaded up on some basics and must-haves...good sales right now!

    1. Gotta love holiday sales! Unfortunately, all my money is tied up in boring things like bills.. and gifts for everyone on my list! So glad you were able to find yourself some good basics! Feeling good in your clothes again after having a baby really makes all the difference in getting back to feeling "normal"!

  3. Wow! Clothes would definitely be my answer too :) I've actually stopped giving baby gifts at showers and such (unless it's someone I don't know well)--I give gifts for the mama, herself! Either a clothing gift card, a pedicure, a Starbucks gift card...Since having kids, I have LOVED when people have given me JUST ME gifts--cash for my birthday or Christmas is almost a disappointment because I feel like I really need to spend it on bills or on the kids!

    1. What a great idea! I love buying sweet baby gifts but you're right, the babies end up with tons of things and us mamas are left with nothing that fits! I'm stealing your idea for showers from now on!

  4. Very insightful. You just made words from how I feel about my postpartum body (16 months later) and clothes.

    1. Thanks Jessie. Isn't the post-partum period just so weird? Everything changes again and again. Every time I get comfortable with the stage I'm in, things change again. It's been 17 months for me and I'm still not feeling like my "old self." I guess we never will!
