Thursday, January 23, 2014


Today is my 30th birthday. Yikes!

I thought I would have a lot of conflicting emotions today, about getting older and feeling older. Sure, I have a lot more grey hairs today than I did last year or even last month, more wrinkles, and my body is a lot softer than it used to be. But you know what? I don't care about any of that. I mean, I care a little bit, but I know none of that is important. I know this year and this decade will be the best yet, and more than anything else, I'm grateful. For everything I've been through, everything I've been given, and everything that's yet to come.

I love my family, I love my life, and I'm happy. Today, I'm happy.

My best friend from Georgia came to visit this week with his girlfriend, so we all took a hike up A Mountain this morning first thing. It was such an awesome start to my new year!


  1. happy birthday! looks like it was/is a beautiful day and celebrated in just the right way. i'll be joining the 3-0 club this year. so glad i'll be among such awesome company!

    1. Thank you! 30 is awesome so far! Nothing to be afraid of after all... ;)

  2. Happy birthday, beauty! Enjoy it!!

  3. Happy Birthday! 30 is so not old. You're right, this decade is gonna rock!

    1. Ahhhh thank you friend! I'm feeling a little bit old but mostly loving being 30 so far! :)
