Monday, January 27, 2014

Currently. Grand Canyon Edition!

Thinking about: My last week at work! I'm still just a little bit in shock about this huge change in our lives. I'm still more than just a little bit stressed out about how I'm going to make working from home work for me. But I'm also pretty excited. :) I spoke with Emmett's school this morning about moving him down to two days a week, so I am looking forward to easing into our new schedule so that I can stop worrying about it and just start making it work! One more week...

Looking forward to: Watching the Grammy's! I watched the red carpet show of course, but I recorded the actual show to watch today. I can't wait to see BeyoncĂ©, and Lorde's crazy weird performance (I love her!). And can we just talk for a minute about Taylor Swift's dress? Oh my goodness I'm obsessed with it. So beautiful. I did manage to catch her performance. The beginning was really beautiful, but I'm not sure what she was doing in the middle there when she started seizing/throwing her head back dramatically. Super weird.

Happy About: My baby boy. He's such a dream these days. Happy and sweet, talking up a storm, and even sleeping! I know, knock on wood. On it. He took a three hour nap yesterday and then slept till 7:15 when I finally went in and gently woke him this morning. He's been playing in his crib for at least half an hour after naps lately, just chatting to his "manimals" and snuggling with his blanket. We've been hoping he'd start doing that in the mornings too but he still wakes up calling/crying for me most mornings. Baby steps though y'all. We're getting there.

He's such a good boy lately. I love spending afternoons with him, just listening to him talk and playing outside in the dirt with him. He's growing up, big time, all at once. I look at him each day and can't believe how much he's changing. He has such a big personality and he surprises me every day. I look at him and wonder to myself where my baby went, and who is this little boy? I want to know him, to see his heart and understand his mind. I think now is a really great time to leave my job and be home with him more. Now that he's so grown up and really starting to express himself. I don't want to miss anything!
Daydreaming About: Our trip to the Grand Canyon this past weekend! We drove up to Flagstaff, AZ on Friday, just Ray and I, to meet up with friends. It was a relaxing, sweet time alone with my man, and I even snuck in a little nap! We stayed in Ray's aunt and uncle's house that they aren't currently living in, so it was fun to spend some time together getting the house ready and starting a fire to warm it up before our friends arrived. There was snow on the ground, so it felt like a Winter Wonderland. Such a nice break from the sunny and 75 degree weather we've had all winter.
Saturday we woke up and drove to the Grand Canyon, about an hour and a half away. I've been before, but it is so incredibly beautiful and especially fun to go with friends who've never seen it. We hiked off trail a little bit to find views that most people don't get to see, and I discovered that I'm much more afraid of heights than I remember. I blame motherhood! Anytime anyone got anywhere near an edge of the trail, my heart jumped into my throat and I yelped with concern. I'm such a mom!
We had a really great time. It's amazing how just a couple of days away from reality can be so refreshing, and time with friends and my dear, dear husband has left my heart so full.

^^^^ Snow!, silly Snapchat I sent to all my buddies (I'm like a child when I see snow!), beautiful trees in the neighborhood where we stayed, and the cutest little country store in Flagstaff.


Isn't it beautiful!? Nature is amazing. If you look really closely at that second-to-last photo, you can see my crazy friend Dennis tempting fate out on the edge of that rock in the center. Scared me to death until we decided to follow him down. I'm so glad we did! It was so cool to hike down into the middle of the Canyon, and such an awesome view when we got there.

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Linking up with Jenny & of course, the lovely ladies at A Mama Collective!

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  1. awwww Great pics! Looks like a blast :) and SNOWWWWWW!

    1. It was so fun! Wish you could have come along!

  2. Beautiful and amazing. So happy you got to do a little getaway with your main squeeze!

    1. Thanks friend! It was so nice to get away for a little while! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Allison! That's very nice of you to say!

  4. Lovely photos - I've been in AZ so many times but have never been to the Grand Canyon! Maybe one day. Looks like so much fun!

    1. Definitely go one day! It's really awesome and a fun drive. We stopped in Williams on the way home, which is a weird little Western town. So fun!

  5. BEAUTIFUL. I haven't been since I was too young to remember. Boo.
    I need to go.
    in 2005 at the age of 41, I resigned from my job and my husband's career moved us to Florida. It was the first time since I was 18 I hadn't worked AND I had a baby. I read a great book about Becoming CHO (Chief Home Officer). It was written by Allie Plieter (I think I spelled that right). It's worth the read. It addresses fears, etc. I can tell you it was a "look ma, no hands" kinda roller coaster for a few years (especially because the "longterm contract" ended and we moved to Texas that same December. Anywhooo... my point - YOU GOT THIS! I'm here if you need me. I know you don't "know me". But I can speak on this. Truly!

    1. Thank you so much Em! Sounds like a crazy time for you but you made it! I will take a look at that book- thanks for the recommendation! I need all the help I can get. :)

  6. My husband really wants to visit the Grand Canyon. I did not watch the Grammy's and after hearing just a little bit about them, I glad I didn't.

    1. I heard some negative things about it this year as well. I guess it just gets worse each year! Maybe I'll just watch Beyonce. :)
      You should make a trip to the Grand Canyon! It's so beautiful- definitely worth seeing!

  7. The photos are gorgeous! All iPhone?? so cool. And I'm SO jelly you got a nap ;)

    1. Yep! These are all iPhone. I took a bunch with my real camera too so I'll post those soon. And I know!! Naps are so amazing and rare these days. :)
