Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Great Christmas Exchange

Do y'all remember when I told you about The Great Christmas Exchange? I loved this idea because it seemed like such a fun way to connect with other bloggers, and I loved the idea of sending a sweet gift to a stranger. I'm always looking for little ways to bless people, so I wanted to join this exchange and send a pretty little gift that might bring some joy to someone's Christmas.

What I sent:

The person I was chosen to send a gift to listed the following as her favorite things:
Anthropologie, The Company Store, Title Nine, anything chocolate and wine, bright colors and shiny objects!

How perfect! I love Anthropologie, chocolate and wine, bright colors and shiny things too! :) I headed straight for Anthropologie and managed to pick up a few really pretty things on sale. Whenever I buy gifts for girlfriends, I try to find things that any girl would love to own, but wouldn't splurge on for themselves. So for my person, I chose a beautiful mercury glass candle (Anthro's candles are so pretty and feel like such a splurge!), a gold monogrammed mug (like this one), and a little hot-chocolate-on-a-stick treat.

I didn't take pictures of the package before I sent it because I was rushing out the door carrying Emmett and a thousand other things trying to get to the post office in time. As it happens, the package has yet to be delivered to my poor person. As I type this my phone chirps out the world's worst hold music from the USPS customer service line. I've spent the morning on hold trying to figure out exactly where the package is and how to get it delivered. I'm so sorry person- I am doing everything I can to get your gift to you!

What I received:

When I opened my gift I found that it was from Jess Vartanian of the Jess Vartanian Illustration + Design Etsy shop! The package included the sweetest little note from Jess, and a hand-made ornament that featured a map of Tempe, the city where I live! It is really sweet and I love that Jess not only made my little gift herself, but she also did her homework and made the gift very personal for me. Thank you Jess!!! I love my ornament.


  1. you have a beautiful heart! I know that box of anthro goodies will make it to Kelsey one day!


    and that ornament is so fun!!!

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! I am trying to get it to her!! :)

  2. that ornament is so great!! jess is so creative and has a really lovely shop :)

    1. Isn't it sweet? I really love it. I am very sentimental when it comes to ornaments, especially when they have a personal meaning to them! I love it.

  3. Replies
    1. Isn't it great!? Such a sweet, personal gift!

  4. BAM. what a great gift! i think i want one of my very own. does she have an etsy shop? hope your package arrives to your girl soon!

  5. i just re-read your post a little more slowly and carefully and DUH she has an etsy. :-)

    1. Yes! She has some really sweet things in her shop! Glad you found it. :)
      I hope my girl get's her package soon too! Dealing with USPS has been impossible but I'm working hard to get it to her soon!

  6. So so glad you participated! That ornament is so great!
