Monday, January 6, 2014

Currently. Co-Hosting My First Link-Up!

Reading: I've just finished the second to last Rebus novel. I'm really sad about the series ending, so in order to prolong the inevitable, I've decided to take a break. So, I'm about to start Loving the Little Years. Mary Beth recommended it in her recent vlog (so cute), so I'm sure it's really great. I'll let y'all know when I finish it
Thinking about: Every once in a while, I have a moment of clarity where I really see God's work in my life and understand his plan. Every few weeks it seems, something will happen that throws a wrench in our plans and pops my little bubble of peace. Like a babysitter will quit or a random bill will come in the mail. Things that seem like major (or minor) bumps in the road. These things happen, so we change our plans and re-think our finances and do our best to keep moving forward. Each time something like that comes up, I fight the anxiety that starts to bubble up in me because I know we will figure it out and that God will provide. I just know that to be true. And then after a few weeks of these bumps piling up, I have that moment, usually in the middle of the night or in the early morning hours as I lay in bed thinking where I start to see a pattern. I see how God has used those little bumps in the road to change our hearts and minds and to open us up to new possibilities and new opportunities that we wouldn't have recognized otherwise.

Occasionally I can see, plainly and obviously, where God is working in our life. That's a gift, a grace that's given to me to help me trust Him during the times when His plan is hidden and I feel like I'm in the dark. When things are hard and the bumps in the road keep coming, I need to remember the times when the road ahead is clearly laid out for me.

Watching: This video, over and over and over again! His sweet little voice just breaks my heart.

Animal Sounds from Anna Kate Keller on Vimeo.

Dreaming about: Our weekend! It was so good. We had a funeral and a wedding on Friday (not the first time that's happened to us in the last few months..) so Ray took the day off. Going to a funeral and then an wedding two hours later really threw me for a loop. That jump from sorrow for our friends to joy and excitement for other friends is quite a leap and left us feeling really worn out, but in a good way. There's nothing like watching your friends lay their father to rest to make you appreciate the people you love and the blessings in your own life.

The wedding was so so beautiful. The reception was in the middle of nowhere in the Arizona desert, surrounded by cactus. The weather was perfect, sunny and warm, and so many of our good friends were in town and gathered to celebrate. It was a really good night.

Saturday was sleepy and slow. Ray is sick and I was exhausted and recovering from the late night. Emmett came down with a cold over the weekend too so  he took a couple of long naps on Saturday. That doesn't happen often so Ray and I took advantage of the time alone and watched a few episodes of Justified. Bliss.

Sunday was nice and quiet too. Ray and I took down all of the Christmas decorations and our tree while Emmett napped. I was sad to see it all go but more than that, I was struck (again) by my husband and his selflessness and love for his family. The last few months have been good for us. We've been taken out of our comfort zones and it's brought us so much closer. I find myself falling in love with him in a new way. He is good and kind and gentle and he really loves us. He takes such good care of me and is the best dad to Emmett. He's absolutely my better half, and we are so blessed to have him.

Okay, enough gushing. Here are a few photos from our weekend!

Emmett asked to hold my hand for the first time ever on Friday. Heart, melted.

I have a major crush on the trees in our neighborhood lately. Have you noticed?

He's finally discovered pillows. He loves to lay down on anything soft lately, just chatting and snuggling.

My love affair with Saguaros continues.

Walking in to the reception venue.

His mother's son. He loves ricotta allllmost as much as I do. He'd eat it by the spoonful if I let him!

Linking up with Jenny & of course, the lovely ladies at A Mama Collective! 

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  1. You have a beautiful way of writing.
    Makes me feel I'm chatting with a friend.
    Linking up from Plain Grace.

    1. Thank you Emily! That's very kind of you to say. Thank you for reading!

  2. Thanks be to God you are able to still His grace in the bumps along the way. Thanks for linking up at Plain grace.

    1. Thank you Jenny! I loved reading through some of the other blogs!

  3. Do you live across from the Pabsts? I'm crazy about that blk & wht tent!! show more pics of that :) i'm also crazy about that headband on that baby girl! the gold leaf one. where can i get that???

  4. Yes! Right across the street. I love seeing all of those beautiful kids riding bikes in the afternoon. :)
    The teepee is from BE Little You and Me's shop on Etsy. We LOVE it!! Emmett reads books in there and plays with his cards. It's rill cute.
    I'm working on finding out where the headband is from. I'll let you know!

  5. Beautiful words! Thankyou for sharing your insights into God's plan! Found you through On The Heart, new follower!

    <3 Ariel

  6. Anna Kate I've really enjoyed reading your "Currently" link-ups! Maybe next week I'll link up myself - I love the format/concept. :)

    1. I love it too! It's such a fun, easy post to write coming off the weekend. Join us!!
